May 17, 2017 at 01:49 am

17 May 2017

Update posted by Marlon Bermillo

At exactly 7:00am yesterday, dad was sent to the operating room for his heart bypass operation. We were all a bit nervous about the procedure but we had to trust dad's surgeon and his team. I'm sure God is with him, with us, in this difficult situation.

We waited patiently for almost 6 hours. Finally dad's surgeon had approached us and said, it was a successful operation. Praise God!!! He didn't have any other complications at all. He needed to be at the surgery intensive care unit (SICU) for the recovery period, for the time being. Perhaps for about 3 days or more depending on dad's condition.

He was unconscious for hours until we were told by his nurse that dad is now responsive. She let us peek through a small window for an hour. Indeed he is very much conscious and he could even wave his hand slightly. We could see his sweet smile through. Dad is very fortunate, rather we are fortunate for God's love. We are also forever thankful for the people who helped us pray and sent their donations to make this surgery possible. A big thanks to you all!

PS. We are still asking for your prayers for dad's complete recovery. And any donations sent til this campaign is ended is very much appreciated. Sending you our love and our grateful hearts! God bless you all!

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