Jun 13, 2017 at 08:26 pm

Home progression - Week 4

Update posted by Liz Clark

It's already been 4 week since the real homework started! I can't believe it, even in these weeks my physical ability had reduced, the heavy work I can manage is not the same, digging in the garden, stretching to sand the ceiling, lifting a big bucket of water...And bending is becoming quite a task. As someone who likes to do a lot of physical stuff, feeling your body saying NO, when you have less and less time to prepare, is quite frustrating!!! GRrrrrrr..... On the plus side, I feel the baby growing and the movements stronger and stronger, so I can't really complain aaaaaaaand its nice to say ' oh can you just help me with this...' ;)

The house isn't yet ready, but we have more functioning places, like a kitchen, poo pit, and a couch!! Due to lack of electricity and water, we still have to improvise...

Our first Ribeira Bo event was this weekend, a full moon singing circle, with many friends coming to visit and share there energy with us around the fire and on the land <3 soooo much love to you all and this beautiful place we are creating together. I can't wait to see more of our loved ones there :) Thankyou all.

Babies room has been painted and the windows fitted and oiled, there are more tasks on the little house this week, hopefully by the weekend we will have the upstairs finished. Daddy has been away from the home the last 2 weeks, with a long drive to Belgium to pick up all of our stuff; furniture, tools, baby's things and a load more I probably don't know about :) we happily received €100 from some cousins in Belgium, THANKYOU !!! But unfortunately there has been an added, unexpected cost, which adds a little pressure for the next months, which is a broken fuel pump on the van... It's not the best time, but it's this! So more and more we are needing extra support from you guys :)

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