Sep 06, 2017 at 05:32 pm

An in-Uganda Hemophilia update ... We're making progress!

Update posted by Edward Conway

Dear friends,

To all of you who so kindly participated in this first step toward helping to build a comprehensive hemophilia program in Uganda, I provide this short followup.

I have been in Uganda since late August and had the opportunity to meet twice with the hematologists and several laboratory technologists at the Fred Hutch/Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI) in Kampala. This was specifically for training on the coagulation analysers, one of which I brought from Vancouver, and the other kindly provided by @Stago. Both of the analysers are currently located in a modern facility at the UCI that is convenient for all, and adjacent to phlebotomy. It’s an ideal set-up and as you can see from the pictures, the technologists are a keen and able group! Ultimately, on of the analysers will be relocated to another site in Uganda, or used as a mobile unit for testing in more remote locations.

The training is being provided by expert staff from @Medisell UG Ltd, who are the distributors for Stago in Uganda. We are extremely grateful for their time and effort. A couple of more training sessions are lined up for this week and next, and soon after, both analysers will be placed in operation for clinical use. As you know, this will be a huge step toward better care of patients with hemophilia and bleeding disorders. There is only one other such semi-automated coagulation analyser in Kampala, and that is restricted for use by the Heart Institute.

Your funds are being carefully managed. Having been used for the analyser itself and a couple of pipettors, the remainder is being allocated for purchasing reagents that are necessary to sustain the program. However, your contribution has prompted others in the field, including the World Federation of Hemophilia, to promise additional longterm support in the way of reagents and any other materials and training that might be required.

We are off to a great start! As the program rolls out to test the patients, I will certainly report back!

Stay tuned!!!


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