Jan 29, 2018 at 09:57 pm

The Treehouse Project

Update posted by Tom Hatton

So the dust has settled and LEL is done. The injuries have faded, but the memories are still with us and the treatments you helped fund for Matty are still doing a wonderful job of supporting his recovery.

We massively appreciate your generosity last year and realise it's a wee bit cheeky to get in touch again - but an idea has cropped up that just won't rest and we thought we could tell you about it.

The Treehouse Project is a collective of friends and family of patients at the Holy Cross, where Matty resides with 40 others who a similar level of disability. The Holy Cross is set in some amazing woodlands, but this isn't accessible to people using wheelchairs.

The Treehouse Project aims to provide a wheelchair accessible space in the hillside woodland surrounding the hospital for patients to enjoy with their friends and family. Our vision is for a 15‐metre walk‐way that will lead onto a 4‐metre viewing platform, where people can take a breath of fresh air and enjoy the flora and fauna (including deer) that can be found in the grounds outside Holy Cross.

The project will provide patients with opportunities to access and benefit from multi‐ sensory stimulation. Birdsong, the movement of trees, shrubs, leaves, dappled shade, scent, glancing rays from the sun as well as a view of the Surrey hills and the distant horizon beyond can all be enjoyed in the natural wooded environment. We believe that the psychological and physical benefits will be immense for those able to use the Treehouse Project.

We recognise that you were massively generous last year in helping Matty. Therefore we aren't asking you for money this time round - in fact we thought we'd be even more cheeky. In order for the Treehouse Project to work we need a huge amount of people to be aware of the project and also to actively get involved. If you were willing to advertise the website for the Treehouse Project on your Social Media websites and in your workplaces we would massively appreciate it - the website is here:


We also need a wide range of people with different skills in order for this to work - any structural engineers or carpenters out there would be welcomed with open arms, but other forms of help may prove just as useful - please get in touch if you feel you have time or skills that could help us make the Treehouse Project a reality.

Finally, anyone with an idea for fundraising themselves would also be really appreciated and welcomed - we have made the project open so that anyone can get involved in support campaigns that will contribute to the overall fundraising effort for the Treehouse Project. Please get in touch if you need help with getting something started. [email protected] Thanks for your time in reading this and thanks again for everything you did for Matty last year.

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