Dec 31, 2016 at 04:07 am

Update #8 Hero is still hospitalised (day 5)

Update posted by Yu Rong Pang

The vet called in the yesterday morning and said that Hero's condition is improving, albeit slow. In the hospital there are apparently 6 other cases of spinal issues. Compared to the other cases, Hero's progress is slightly slower as unlike the other cases, they all had undergone surgery whereas Hero's the only one that surgery was not recommended. At 11am yesterday (30th Dec), they took off the IV drip that had a stronger painkiller and also anti-inflammatory medicine and instead reduced the amount of painkillers, now a patch on his back. The reduction of the painkiller is also better for Hero. Anti-inflammatory medication will still be given orally. They recommended 2 more days of hospitalisation to monitor how Hero responds to the reduction in painkillers.

We visited Hero on two sessions yesterday (1-2pm and 5.30-7.30pm), maxing out the visiting hours. We tried to give him loads of love and comfort and also groomed him and he really enjoyed it. His feet do respond slightly when I brush it. The left hind leg is still less responsive than the right one. His hind legs are also yellow from his pee, could not wipe it off but it's ok we will clean him when he returns home!

Hero is really calm now, but seems to be also less energetic. But based on some comments, it could be a aftereffect of painkillers.

We will visit him again during the visitation hours from 2-4pm later on. Thank you for your support!! (:

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