Feb 08, 2017 at 04:41 am

Medical Supplies

Update posted by Samantha Malin

Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated to this cause!!

I cannot believe I have been so blessed and surpassed my fundraising goal. I have been blown away.

I landed safely in a Greece yesterday and will head to the first refugee camp today. I was greeted my in incredible team of inspiring, motivated volunteers who I'm thrilled to be working alongside.

Thanks to everyone's amazing generosity I ended up bringing 15kgs of Medical supplies which I purchased in Melbourne, and successfully got them into Greece! These items are predominately things which are unavailable or incredibly expensive to purchase locally in Greece. They include things such as:

Saline solution

Wound dressings




Skin cleaning wipes


Pulse and oxygen monitor

Urine dipstick tests

Pregnancy tests

Glucometers (blood sugar testing machines)

Glucose and ketone test strips


Peak flow meters


Once we further assess the need here on the ground I will he using your donation money to purchase further supplies locally in Greece.

Thank you SO much to everyone for your love, support and generosity. I wouldn't be here without you all!

Sammy xx

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