Sep 22, 2016 at 05:11 am

SANDRA's story

Update posted by Smit Smit

The big "C" arrived....

I would never have thought that I would have to flag and wave the pink ribbon quite as high as I have to now.

My mom, Sandra was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, that has spread to her liver, lungs, bones, and lymph nodes.

This impact can only be comprehended when the bond and the connection that we have is understood, and the feeling of loss and destruction that comes with that.

This came as a complete shock and totally floored us. How can this wonderful human being, that only has love and compassion, been through such a trying life, and now have to face this. I have never seen someone as brave as her, and brings me to tears most of these days. I can not comprehend the fairness of this - to her or to us, and would be a bitter thought for some time to come. I can not hide the feelings of failure / disappointment in myself, as it has now once again shown a truthful statement: that the son of the shoemaker has no shoes.

While there is so much that is unknown at this point, the certain thing is that because YOU are going through this, we are going through this with you! For now, I'm on the emotional roller coaster right next to you, and will carry you where you need to go.

We will see the oncologist next week with the results discussing treatment options, which is the first of many hurdles that is now lined up.

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