Jul 12, 2016 at 03:40 pm

Me Maloloy-on Tagoc's Letter

Update posted by Jiffy Maloloyon

I am Me Maloloy-on Tagoc, 43 years of age and presently residing in Singapore because my husband is working here. My family lives a comfortable life here in Singapore until last 5 February 2015 when I was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer.

I had a breast lumpectomy surgery, after the surgery I underwent chemotherapy every week for six months and then had a breast radiation everyday for a month. While I was undergoing radiation, in the middle of the month I felt something was wrong, I had terrible headaches. My oncologist advised me to have a MRI then it found out that there was a tumor on my brain which measures 3cm. They called it metastasis or metastatic breast cancer, refers to the spread of cancer to different parts of the body, typically the bones, liver, lungs and brain. Two days after, I had a surgery to remove the tumor on my brain and again had a brain radiation. Then a PET scan was conducted.

This time, they found out that there are 3 nodules in my liver. The cancer is so aggressive that it has spread in some parts of my body. Again, I went for another 6 months of chemotherapy and had a PET scan right after. We were all hoping to have a better result but sadly 2 nodules were gone but the other one was left and was getting bigger. My oncologist changed my chemo drug to an oral chemo xeloda for 3 months. I had a PET scan again after 3 months of taking oral chemo xeloda, unfortunately the oral chemo didn’t work and another 2 nodules in my liver grow and getting bigger in sizes.

I was asked to join a clinical trial in National Cancer Center. They took cancer cells on my liver and sent it to UK for further study so they would find out the type of chemo to be applied for a Triple Negative type of cancer.

They suspect I have the Triple Negative type of cancer which is supposed to be responsive to chemotherapy. However, I was disqualified in the UK study because they found that the type of cancer that I have is Her2+ which means a breast cancer that tests positive for a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which promotes the growth of cancer cells. In about 1 of every 5 breast cancers, the cancer cells have a gene mutation that makes an excess of the HER2 protein. They advantage that they’ve seen is that there is a hope in my sickness because there is an option of chemo drug in which my oncologist thinks it is promising.

So, I underwent chemotherapy and Herceptin which they called Targeted Therapy. Although, the side effect of this therapy is worse. I am always in pain in my whole body, I feel like I am dying. After 2 cycles, a PET scan has been conducted again checking if the treatment is working but again it didn’t work. Results turned out to be worse. My oncologist told me that it was so unusual because that kind of therapy has been proven already. They found out that it spreads to my thyroid, bone and colon plus multiple in my liver. As of now, I am continuing the chemotherapy while waiting for some results.
Having this kind of illness is really depressing physically, emotionally and most especially financially. We have sold everything valuable to sustain the hospital bills, medication, therapy and all cost incurred. We are full of debts and we don’t know where to get funds anymore to sustain these expenses. I have two kids, a loving and supportive husband, and a Family who inspires me to fight and live. We are drained emotionally, physically and financially but I want to fight until the end. I want to see my kids growing up and able to nourish their growth.
It is with this regard that I am knocking to each and every one of you, to your generous heart to help me financially. Any single amount will be appreciated. Please help me in sustaining my life.

God will bless you more and more. Thank you very much.

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