Aug 06, 2016 at 01:31 pm

New Trailer Video

Update posted by Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay

Dear Friends and Followers,

I have decided to extend the timeline of my campaign, allowing me to reach out to friends and colleagues slowly and steadily, in hopes of reaching my funding goal. I have created a new video to help people understand Encounters quickly and succinctly, a kind of 'trailer' that invites people to find out more.

Your contribution to my campaign is already support enough, and I am so thankful for it. Naturally I also invite you to circulate my new video among your friends and community if you wish. Either way, I hope this little video helps you to better understand the impulses and motivations behind my project, to give you a better picture of what it is you have so generously supported.

The video is now active on the main page of my campaign.

With sincere thanks,


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