Jun 21, 2016 at 02:56 am

Update from Renae

Update posted by Kim Weinreb

Yesterday morning (Friday, June 17th) Robert had an appointment to remove his staples and there we were told that his tumor is cancerous. We also learned that about 65% of the tumor still remains. We need to meet with an oncologist and find out the next step in his care. We don't know much more than that but the neurosurgeon did say that he suspects the tumor has been growing for a while (5 years or so) meaning he doesn't think it is very aggressive. It was a tough morning, as you can imagine, so we decided to go to the Atlanta Temple and remind ourselves of the promises we made to each other and our Heavenly Father when we got married. We felt so much peace, comfort, love for the Lord and for each other as we worshiped. Robert has been a complete rock star through this whole ordeal. I have stood back in awe of how he has taken everything in stride and has complete, unwavering faith that he is in the Lord's hands. He constantly reminds me of the many miracles we have been blessed with this past month.

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