Sep 23, 2016 at 02:28 am

A Magical Time

Update posted by Stede Barber

What a magical time! I am painting a view from the kitchen window as a rainstorm moves through…the sound of gentle rain on the skylights, garden, and grasses…the beautiful smell of moisture in the air…

I have had a great deal of time alone as I recover. Sometimes I feel lonely and wish for companionship, especially at mealtime; eating with good company is something I love. At the same time, this quiet is giving me the opportunity to be with myself, to get in sync with my own inner flow.

An artist whose writing I enjoy, Laura Hollick, wrote something that rang true in me. She shared that sometimes, creativity involves a lot of doing nothing…I call it unstructured time. I seldom end up doing “nothing.” But time to listen to the rain on the land, to smell the freshly washed air, to sit and watch the sky and the light on the earth…these are a few of the pleasures where I find myself taking a deep breath, relaxing, and savoring the moment. There is a lot of peace in this.

One of the side effects of chemo and radiation for me is a limit to how much information I can take in and process. Acknowledging to myself and accepting when I’m done instead of pushing through is new, and is working for me. Waiting until my mind is fresh allows me to grasp the essence of what I need, and can then act on. This feels like part of simplifying my life.

And a final part of today’s rambling: a friend pointed out this article to me which I enjoyed. You can see it if you are interested here:

I am a giver, now learning to receive the gift of others love and support in many ways as I heal.

May your day bring you gifts in perfect ways, as mine do…

In loving,


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