Jan 25, 2016 at 02:03 pm

Please help. I just wanted a cheap little car I could pay for

Update posted by shean madden

I was always a person who do everything myself and never needed anyone, I had to ,because I lost my parents when I was young, I had a lot of energy, and if I saw something wanted I went for it and got it, through hard work

In the Year 2000 I all of sudden I got so sick, lost all my energy, I was tired, and I didn't know what was wrong, I went to doctor after doctor and no one knew what was wrong until Dr. Andrew Gottoesman, while removing a palette he found I had Hemochromatosis ( Iron Overload) Hemochromatosis (iron overload) is the most common genetic disorder. Approximately 1 in 200 to 300 humans have this disorder (1-5). Most doctors still think it is a rare disorder (1). About 10% of the population carries the gene that causes iron overload. When someone inherits this gene from both parents, he or she may(6) absorb to much iron from their normal diet. This iron will be stored in the liver and several other tissues in the body and can cause a great number of symptoms. These symptoms, as a cause of Hemochromatosis, can be found in babies and small children, but it is most common above the age of 40.
Unfortunately, when symptoms are found at this age, it is considered a "late diagnosis" and the damage has been done. Early screening and diagnosis could help patients completely avoid organ damage and premature death.

One or more of the following complaints can point to Hemochromatosis.
* Chronic fatigue
* Increased susceptibility for infections
* Liver function abnormalities
* Arthritis (pain, swelling and morning stiffness of certain joints, often the hands)
* Diabetes
* Loss of libido (less desire in sex) and impotence
* Infertility
* Swollen stomach (or uncomfortable, heavy feeling, mostly on the right side of the belly)
* Heart complaints
* Shortness of breath with physical effort
* Skin pigmentation (bronze or grey colored skin)
* Loss of weight
* Decrease in body hair
Well I thought no big just remove all my blood, Dr. Janice Marshall, you really don't understand It has already harmed all your organs, we will keep you comfortable for the rest of your life. so I went on with my life making adjustments, like going to get my phlebotomy when needed.

In 2004 it was time for my heart to fail to jump into the list of things wrong it got fixed and I was off back to work and tired to go on lack there was nothing wrong with me.

In June 2010 My neck and back were killing me in pain (bone degeneration), I could barely walk, I looked like a zombie trying walk, this would stop me from working, but no, I kept trying to work, and you would think people would try to help me, but no, people where taking advantage of problem, what could I do, I had to keep working. I finally had to go on disability, I didn't want to, I was a guy who didn't need anyone's help, at least I wanted to believe that! I did not get Disability until 2014 and it was not very big thing just $ 733.00 a month, it just cover the bare expenses in life, and I was on Medicaid, with the worst doctors the money could buy, but beggars cannot choosey.

late in 2014 I went to a simple dental cleaning and the dentist freaked out, he was telling me I needed to go to a oral surgeon because he thought I had oral cancer, I told my doctor and he ignored it because he said Medicaid was not going to pay for that !!!! I couldn't do anything for myself at all, I kept trying but no luck.

Now December 2015 everything went to hell for me, I got a severe infection on the left side of my mouth it swollen up and I was in a lot of pain, everything was spinning around and around It was like I was drunk and I don't drink, the doctor and nurses were so serious it was no joking matter. so they fixed it and took a biopsy, well everyone was so nice, they were going to take care of everything that was wrong with me, I guess they liked me because I always try to make the best of things and I joke about things because you have to, what else can you do?

The doctors and nurses can be so nice when they have to tell you really bad news, I have oral cancer and the upper left jaw has to be removed and replaced, this is a awful surgery to look at so don't look at it, don't Google it. well anyway a nurse came to talk to me, and said to me you should go on cruises, enjoy life to the fullest, I responded by saying I can't do that, I don't have money to do that! but it did get me to think...maybe I should do something, not just sit at home.

well, I don't have money anymore doctors and hospitals drained my bank accounts, maybe I could borrow money, I have good credit, so I checked into buying a car and my credit score was bad, I couldn't figure this out I haven't bought anything on credit since I married in 1992.

I don't want to keep writing because this is really upsetting me, and that is not a healthy thing to do! Please help. I just wanted a cheap little car I could pay for.

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