Jun 03, 2016 at 03:47 pm

About me

Update posted by Monique Forsyth

I would like to tell you a little bit about myself an the illness that has me here.

I know that if you are going to be parting with money you will most likely like to know why and where exactly that money will be going. So here goes;

It was about 10 years ago when it all began; I was a young girl of 14 with a passion for life and a thirst for aventure, when one fateful day I went on an outride that would change my life for ever.

On this outride I was riding a lovely, if hardheaded pony named Butterfly, who, I was later informed, was VERY pregnant. As an ignorant young girl I knew there was something wrong, but wasn't sure what it was. About halfway through the ride I fell off the pony at quite some speed and hit my head on rock on the mountian side we were cantering up. This caused a severe concussion and it was only thanks to the grace of God and the hardhat I was wearing, that I survived.

This concussion was to be the first in a series of events that caused me to lose my once inexhaustable energy.

Once I had recovered from the concussion I contracted Glandular fever, which knocked me flat on my back for about a year before I started to recover. Even after had recovered from the Glandular fever, I found that I was still not right. I experienced pain in odd places and at odd tims, exhaustion, shortness of breath, Nausea and dizziness. I thought this was because I was unfit, from the glandular fever, but no matter what I did I could not seem to shake it. Doctors could not tell me what was going on and I lived my life cnfused.

Eventually I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and for a while we were able to treat it and keep it under control.Then it all changed again. I couldn't stop the pain anymore, I was now getting disorentated, forgetful, weak, sore, tired, confused, and nothing coul releave the tension in my muscles.

I was forced to drop out of school when I couldn't retain any of the infrmation being taught. I was failing everything and struggling to even say awake for any length of time. I discovered that there was a way to help me. A service dog was the first step. I applied for a service dog with the South African Guide dog association and recieved my helping hand only a year after I applied, nearly 18 months ago he arrived and started changing my life. sadly it wasn't enough, Although he has helped me immeasurably he has not ben able to stop the progression of the illness, Which aught not to be progressing in the first place.

I have once again been confined to my bed, only able to walk short distances, and unable to keep my balance for very long. sometimes, when I am strong enough I am able to lean on or against my service dog for balance, but alot of the time I don't have the strength to hold myself up. This is why I need the wheelchair. I want desperately to be able to go shopping with my family again, or even to go to church or a concert without having to worry about collapsing.

Perhaps when I no longer have to use my last remainng energy to focus on not falling, I will be able to use that strength to recover. I still hold out hope that this is not forever. But I must face the possibility that it will only get worse, or even that it will stay like this forever.

So now you know my story, I really hope you will be able to help me.

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