Feb 19, 2016 at 03:06 pm

Fundação Benfica / Benfica Foundation

Update posted by Diogo Antas Botelho Lobo Fernandes

More than a month ago, in order to get some more (different) types of donations, I've decided to approach my Club's Foundation about their willingness to participate in this campaign.

This time I was not looking for monetary donations, but to collect some basic material (for school, clothing etc.) for the kids.

The truth was the time passed by and I was still waiting for an answer. After a couple of weeks, with some many things still to be done before I leave the UK, I just completely forgot that.

Today, just right 10 minutes ago got an email notification on my mobile, on my way back from work and... 'tcharan'!! The Reply from Benfica Foundation.

My immediate thought was like 'Yeah right, just to let me know they are not interested helping a random Benfica supporter!'; couldn't be wronger. The answer was quite positive, they showed their interested to provide some material, all I just needed to do was book an appointment at their office to introduce myself, tell some more details about my trip to Sri Lanka and collect the 'basket'.

This weekend couldn't start better!

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