Nov 07, 2015 at 03:57 am


Update posted by John Royall jr

This is the latest update I have received from my neighbors just tonight, They have been having problems in the neighborhood with kids peeping in windows, breaking into cars and stealing property. When they call the sheriff department, they are told we are best and Wil send a deputy out later to take your complaint. This was told to me just lastnight and several of my neighbors, When the depu y showed up 2 hours later. He said he will beef up patrols in the area, but to no surprise there has been no deputy patrolling around. This has got to stop it doesn't matter how large or small the problem is it is the sheriff's dept job answer it in timely manner, or as me as sheriff I'll go do it myself. I have no problem being out with my deputies,unlike other sheriff's in the past.

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