Oct 25, 2015 at 09:17 pm

Hello again, and welcome to Give the Gift of Time Version 2.0

Update posted by Charlie Lenk

Thanks for standing by! The campaign's first version went well: in just the first few weeks 45 people donated over $3500 to bring us to almost 25% of the goal! However I found the platform I was using unviable, so I moved the campaign over to GoGetFunding. Apologies for any confusion during this adjustment; we're only starting from 0 as far as GoGetFunding is concerned. The funds donated so far through version 1.0 have already helped greatly to keep the rent and bills paid while I get my strength back.

A month now since the final radiation treatment and my energy is returning slowly, with a portion of the morning and early afternoon in which I can be productive before feeling ready to drop and a couple more hours in the evening if all goes well. In two days I see the radiation oncologist and will quiz him about what to expect in upcoming weeks re: residual fatigue.

The last few weeks I've been keeping busy as energy allows: meetings w/ possible business partners, volunteering, seeing friends. Although it's sometimes a stretch it's worth it: I want to strengthen my ties with the larger community. To do that I need to be out there, and ditto hustling up work. I'm eager to resume and build on the life that I had that was so rudely interrupted by cancer.

It's going to take time, and that's what this campaign is for. If you've already contributed, thank you and thank you again. If not, please consider helping out as you can, including sharing this link with your own circles both on Facebook and IRL. And if you'd like to contribute directly vs using GoGetFunding, you can reach me at Paypal via [email protected].

A friend came over last week and took the picture below: looking pretty good for someone who?s been through the mill, I think. Your support has been a big part of that, and I?m very grateful. Please keep it coming.

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