Feb 12, 2016 at 11:20 pm

End of Chemo

Update posted by Jamie Zeug

Jan 20th was my last chemo. It really wiped me out. But I recovered in a couple weeks.

I had a PET scan on Tues the 9th. It was clear in the breast, some gray area in the underarm by the lymphnodes. I had an axillary sentinel lymphnode biopsy on Thurs the 11th. They took out 7 lymphnodes. Hoping to get the biopsy report soon.

If the pathology report is good, I can have the reconstruction done at the same time as the double mastectomy, which is scheduled for Monday.

Monday will be a big surgery, about 8-10 hours. Will need to be in the hospital for a few days after.

Thank you all again. Appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

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