Jul 20, 2015 at 04:32 pm

Less than 8 hours and less than $800 to go!

Update posted by Carla Perez

Thank you for getting us to this point. We need less than $800, which I will match dollar for dollar, to make our interim goal of $10K. Yay!

As you know, the first person we will be helping is Juli�n. We'll be providing the hip prosthesis that will make his hip replacement surgery possible in just a few weeks.

When I first spoke with him back in April, he said it would be a miracle to have his surgery and that he had faith. Miracles do happen every day and they happen through every day circumstances--those out of the blue moments we marvel at and they happen through other people, sometimes those close to us, sometimes total strangers. That's us.

Love and light, Carla

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