Aug 23, 2013 at 05:53 pm


Update posted by Happybychoice

UPDATE: Kate has been to court, where they worked out a visitation agreement, one where Kate can use a 3rd party to drop off the children and pick up the children. He is still ignoring the mutual restraining order (calls, texts, emails from different accounts and numbers) with absolutely no consequences to him, and is now using the police to check up on her--saying that she has "known criminals" in her home with their children and that he is worried about their safety. He might now get into hot water (making false police reports) for sending them over to her house a couple nights ago, waking everyone up around midnight (she was ALONE with the children--nope--no criminals here!!!). She is working on stress control techniques and is enjoying every minute she can with her children before the school year starts up again. She thanks everyone who has given funding so far or has written notes of encouragement. She is truly grateful for the kindness.

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