May 13, 2013 at 11:32 am

Improvements and problems

Update posted by cwernett

Caitlin's recovery has gone well and her back is healing. She has had alot of pain in the last 2 months in the area of her pelvis. (She spent Easter at an emergency center for pain and has missed alot of school) She currently is suffering from strain on the growth plates and tendons in her hip and pelvic region because she is gowing quicker than her body can keep up with. (back to Dupont's ortho dept) She is on some heavy medication right now for the pain and has started to have some problems with acid reflux and upset stomach, possibly from meds, pain, stress etc. She has taken the whole experience much better than we expected and has a great "mind over matter" way about her. She views herself as just a kid, however she can't wait to ride a bike and play on the trampoline again. Hopefully by next summer everything will be healed and she can get back to doing her favorite things with no pain and no worries.

I will keep you all updated as things change. Thank you all for your concern, thoughts and support.

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