Jul 27, 2015 at 03:38 am

Update On Jeremy As if 8-18-15

Update posted by Brandy Walton

Since Jeremy's release from the hospital on Jul 31-15 he has since been readmitted into the hospital as of 8-13-15. Jeremy lost 30lbs in 2 weeks which the Doctor is very worried about. His body isn't taking in any vitamins nor nutrients from anything he eats. As of today 8-18-15 they had to place a Pic Line in to give him vitamins and nutrients . This has really taken a big toll on our lives especially Jeremy's. He will not return to work no time soon. We appreciate all the support and donations from everyone you just don't how much it means to us. We still have a very long road ahead if us but with God's grace and live we will get through this. If anyone would like to donate to us but rather not donate on here please contact me I can give you information for donations to be deposited in our bank account. We thank you all for your generosity in our time of hardship. I Pray God Blesses each one that has Blessed us!!

Update On Jeremy Walton... Jeremy had major surgery on 7-22-15. He had to have a portion of his small intestine removed. His small intestine had erupted the hole was the size of a silver dollar. After researching his Dr said that there was no explanation on how Jeremy was alive. With the erupted small intestines the toxins and bacteria should have spread into the rest of the body and bloodstream. The only conclusion she came up with was God was with him he is a walking Miracle!! She said she has never heard of the body sealing off an eruption like that but Jeremy's body sealed it off from spreading . This was truly the work of God! He still has a long road of recovery and another surgery in the next few months. He will be out if work for a while! Any donation is very much appreciated and is going directly towards bills and taking care of our 2 children!

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