Apr 25, 2015 at 03:35 am

Amazing news for Jenna and Tony!

Update posted by Natalie Palmer

I have some lovely news to share with you all. Jenna and Tony are expecting a baby girl!

Two days after AJ's passed away Jenna had a terrible scare. Jenna had the CVS test to determine whether this baby would also have krabbes, with this test there is a 1% of miscarriage. The day after the test she started to bleed and after an emergency scan found she had lost almost all her amniotic fluid as a result of the test and doctors told her it would be a miracle for the baby to live. They went home and cried and Jenna went on bed rest for 2 weeks. However, this seemed to have worked because the bleeding stopped and weekly scans have showed the amniotic fluid slowing re-filling . Now the amniotic sac has completely re-filled, she is the right size for gestation and moving all her limbs. The CVS test showed that this baby does not have krabbes and is not a carrier.

AJ was told he was going to be a big brother shortly before he passed. A foetuses heart only starts to beat around 5-6 weeks so am AJ was passing this baby started to live. We like to think AJ is looking after his baby sister.

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