Sep 09, 2012 at 11:50 pm


Update posted by littlRED

Well, I kind of gave up on the whole bribing people to donate. If you donated and want some Avon stuff, just let me know! I will get you what you want.  As far as Red goes, She is has just developed her third infection this weekend. I will be calling to get her on antibiotics again in the morning. My only fear is that she will become resistent to them if we don't get the surgery soon.

She is otherwise a very happy dog. She loves playing with her brother Russell and her and her mom Ash get into a lot of "mother/daughter fights". She has learned that if the back door is unlocked, she can jump at the knob and it will sometimes open for her. This happened today. She loves people and wants more than anything to be able to sleep upstairs with us. She currently has to be put in a room full of saw dust to sleep. The saw dust helps keep the moisture off her skin and keeps the infections away longer. We put her brother in there with her to keep her company. He doesn't mind it because he loves her.

We are hoping to start making plans for the surgery but we still need all the help we can get. I would love to see more people donate small amounts. $5.00 may seem like a lot to some, but really, it is a drop in the hat compared to things people waste money on today. At least the $5.00 you will be donating to this cause, will save a life.

Continue to get the word out and please do all you can to help!

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