Fundraising campaign by RICA GARCIA
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Blackwidows is the first elite multi-national Asian women's team that advocates diversity through visibility. Started in Boon Rockstar 2016, Blackwidows easily bagged their first championship and what was meant to be a one-time pickup team is now a solid foundation for Asian Women athletes to play in the most prestigious tournaments such as US OPEN in Minneapolis last year where they finished 11th and won the Team Spirit Award. The Widows also did a US Tour coming into US Open and played savage in their exhibition games against Chicago Nemesis, Madison Heist, Minneapolis Pop Ultimate.

Sisterhood, Humility, Intensity, Trust are the core values the Widows uphold and we wish to break barriers of race, religion and culture through bringing these women together, working on the same team culture. The very essence of Blackwidows is giving a face of what Asian Ultimate means- evolving, inclusive, unique and generous. For some parts of the world where people think women still do not have a voice or rather inferior, the Blackwidows show through Ultimate, women are effective leaders, movers and changers and an inspiration. A huge part of our goals are not limited to winning rather giving back. We are proud that in only 2 years we have held over 30 clinics worldwide, over 1000 students of different race, age and culture.
Last year we fulfilled our dream to play in the most competitive stage any one of us have ever been. US OPEN has been a difficult road for all of us both financially and logistically but with an amazing and overwhelming help of our community and all the club teams who helped us through donations, housing and planning we were able to complete the tour and all went back to our respective countries armed with the best experience to share. This year as our team motto goes, always hungry, we will not stop just because we thought there is nothing more rewarding than what we had. We are happy to face another beautiful journey that will not only open doors for elite experience but will also expose us to understand diversity and also give us good opportunity to introduce Asian Ultimate. TORNEO ETERNA PRIMAVERA in Colombia has been proven as one of the most competitive tournament outside US. Also home of of one of the best women's club teams in the world, REVOLUTION, we are excited to see and learn from them how fast they were able to grow and to achieve their goals.
Like any other tournament the biggest feat is funding especially for all of us who will be traveling more than 35 hours to Medellin. The flights alone cost $1,500 per person, some of our rosters are rising stars and we believe the youth is the best people to bring in this tournament. Every cent you will give will go to the funding of flights, travel insurance and tournament expenses for TEP. We value every help you can give and everything we do is always towards our goals and advocacies. Giving more opportunities for Asians to be seen in the international elite scene playing alongside with the best club teams.


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