Backgammon for IDF Soldiers: A Moment of Relief in Difficult Times

Fundraising campaign by Rom Severin
  • US$5.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: $1,563.00
Total: $1,568.00
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Backgammon for Soldiers: A Moment of Relief in Difficult Times

In these challenging times, Israeli soldiers are stationed across various locations, often facing long hours of duty with limited options for relaxation and recreation.

We aim to change that, one backgammon board at a time!

Why Backgammon?

Backgammon isn't just a game; it's a part of Israeli culture. Traditionally played on sunny beaches over weekends with a cold beer in hand, it evokes the spirit of camaraderie and the essence of home.

Playing backgammon can provide soldiers with a much-needed break, lifting spirits and morale during their demanding duties.

Transparency Promise:

We are committed to ensuring that 100% of your donations will go towards the purchase and distribution of backgammon boards for Israeli soldiers. Also note that no funds will be used for any other purposes, such as food or equipment.

Every Donation Counts:

Any amount you can donate is deeply appreciated and will go directly to providing a moment of solace for our soldiers.

Your generous contributions will go towards providing two types of backgammon boards: basic boards costing around $10 each, and premium boards costing around $120 for soldiers who have specifically requested a donation of a backgammon board.

Join us in offering our troops a way to unwind, focus, and recharge. Donate now and let's give them the gift of a momentary escape through the classic game of backgammon.



  • Liran Tahan
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2023


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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Liran Tahan
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2023



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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $1,563.00
Total: $1,568.00

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