Help for Attie

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Hi, and I'm raising funds for my dog Attie. She's a 14-month-old Shiba Inu. This is something that I never thought I would have to do, nor would I have wanted to do but I'm desperate. Before Attie's spay she was a completely normal puppy. She loved to play, chase our cats around, go on walks, and do everything a "normal" dog does. I noticed that immediately after her spay something seemed off. That same night after the spay, when it came time to feed her, she couldn't lower her head to the bowl to eat. I hand-fed her thinking maybe it was the pain from the spay or drugs used that caused this, but she was never able to lower her head normally again. I also noticed she wasn't able to walk the same after either. I called her vet. They said it would get better as she healed. She never got better. After months of testing, 3 different vets, and a lot of money I'm here now asking if anyone would be able to help. She's only gotten worse. She can't stand without falling over. After her most recent vet visit, it was confirmed that she's now at least partially blind. The latest vet further suspects that she was deprived of oxygen during her spay and that this has led to her current health issues. Unfortunately, the only way to confirm this suspicion is through an MRI. Without this, we may never know what has caused her transformation from healthy to what she is today. Attie needs this MRI to help diagnose the cause of her issues but I've exhausted my funds over the past few months due to all of her previous tests, treatments, and vet visits. Before writing this gofundme I had explored the option of CareCredit but was ultimately approved for an amount far less than what her MRI and possible treatment will cost. Even when writing this, I am asking for an amount that will likely not cover all of my estimated expenses, but it would help at least guarantee that she recieves her MRI. Without this MRI we won't have any other leads to help treat Attie. Please help if you can, we will be forever grateful, regardless of the outcome of her diagnosis.


  • mokhtar charrachy

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Raised offline: $20.00
Total: $20.00

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