
Fundraising campaign by Shivam Dhawan
  • US$0.00
    raised of $12,230.00 goal goal
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Dear friends, family and others that may read this,

As most of you know, I'm been planning a new online business with a twist for just over 6 months now.
If an image says a 1000 words then a prototype might say a million.Check out Prototype 

Everything about my project is in place and I need to raise money to carry on. I need 10k to cover my shortfall and make this business idea a reality.

For those that help, you'll get a free access to the portal for however I tend to monetize my service at later stages - no kidding!

I know this pitch has omitted quite a lot of specific details and that's because I don't want competitors learning too much and most of my nearest and dearest already know the full works.

For those that don't, please do get in touch and I will be happy to show the progress.

Much Thanks


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raised of $12,230.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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