Angelica Ponio’s Mom Still needs your help

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We still need your help in any kind!—Hello! I hope you’re having a good day so far, with your family safe and healthy.

I’m reaching out to you because our friend Angelica Ponio’s mother is in dire need of our help. Felisa Ponio is currently admitted at the hospital in Zamboanga City her condition according to her lab results are not progressing.

She is fighting for her life from pneumonia and other complications for the since June 14.

And possibly may undergo dialysis (she was tested negative for covid-19).

Nobody knows what tomorrow holds for us, and no one chooses to be sick or be in severe pain emotionally for the family and physically.

Let us give Auntie Fely a chance to hug her apos and kids again.

To save her life she needs our prayers and financial support.

Please let us stand with Lic2 or Angie to raise money for her mom. Big or small every effort and help count.

Please share as much as you can.

You can donate or deposit through the ff:

-Allan Ray S. Ponio BDO 010450069222

-Angelica Ponio Gcash 09054975688

-Angeliza Ponio Zason BPI 1829271954

-remittance(Western Union and the likes)

Allan Ray Ponio

St. Ignatius Drive, Tetuan, Zamboanga City


Thank you and God bless

credits to Aivel

Most Recent Bill (w/ out doctos’s fee)




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raised of ₱1,500,000.00 goal
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