Angel Marie Fights Cancer

Fundraising campaign by Ruvelyn Saban
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Way back on our high school days, Angel had already experience cough and some health issue. Every time that she was sick she always went to our clinic to asked for medicines and get some rest in our classroom . She even suffered chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Also, if we had activities in our school she easily tend to get tired even without giving too much effort. We always ask her if she's okay but she kept on saying that she is okay.

Later on, when she was in for college, she was really having extreme cough and back pain. She was then sent to a hospital and had some tests about her condition and later did we know that she had a Lymphoma, a cancer that begins in infection-fighting cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other parts of the body. When you have lymphoma, lymphocytes change and grow out of control.

Last week, she undergo mild chemotherapy to kill those cancer cells and told by the doctor to go back this week for another session. We dont know how much it cost and how many session does she needs to completely kill those cancer cells.

After her session, she messaged our friend and told that she felt great after the therapy. She ate well and gained back slowly her weight.

Fundraising Team

  • Rubelyn Tabigne
  • Social Media Manager

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Eunice Amar
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