A Sustainable Initiative for Our Environment

Fundraising campaign by Leon Lim
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Transforming Used Cooking Oil into Soap.

We are excited to introduce a new and impactful project at our primary school aimed at addressing environmental concerns while educating our students about sustainability and responsible waste management.

Did you know that pouring used cooking oil down the drain or into the sea can lead to clogged pipes, water pollution, and harm to marine life? To combat this issue, we are launching a campaign to convert used cooking oil into soap!

By recycling used cooking oil into soap, we can prevent environmental harm and promote a cleaner, healthier planet. This initiative not only helps to reduce waste but also serves as a valuable learning opportunity for our students.

Through hands-on activities and educational sessions, students will learn about the importance of environmental conservation and the negative impacts of improper waste disposal. They will also gain practical skills in soap making, turning used oil into a useful and eco-friendly product.

To ensure the success of this project, we are seeking your support in raising funds for essential materials needed for soap making, such as sodium hydroxide, soap molds, and other supplies. Your contributions will enable us to provide students with the tools and resources necessary to carry out this initiative effectively.

Together, let's empower our students to become environmental stewards and make a positive difference in our community. Your support and participation are greatly appreciated as we work towards a greener, cleaner future for generations to come.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to environmental sustainability.


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