Together Abroad: Family’s PhD Support Fund”

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Together Abroad: Family's PhD Support Fund"

We need your help to make a lifelong dream a reality for our family. Myself, [Benjamin], have been accepted into a prestigious PhD program in the UK! This is an incredible opportunity for me to pursue my passion for [Business Administration ] and contribute to the world.

However, our joy is mixed with a significant challenge. The cost of living and studying abroad is immense, and unfortunately, our current savings fall short. The biggest hurdle? We desperately want to face this journey together as a family.

I have an amazing wife (Deborah) with a beautiful 10-month-old baby, [Heritage]. The thought of being separated during this crucial time in both our lives is heartbreaking. We believe a strong family unit fosters success, and I want to achieve my academic goals with the unwavering support of my wife and child by my side.

This is where your kindness comes in. Every contribution, big or small, will bring us closer to reuniting as a family in the UK. The funds raised will go towards:

  • Travel: Flights and relocation costs for the entire family.
  • Living Expenses: Securing a safe and comfortable place for us to live while abroad.
  • Childcare: Ensuring [Baby Heritage] receives loving care while we navigate the demands of the program.

We understand that times are tough for everyone, but any amount you can share will be deeply appreciated. Knowing we're not alone in this journey will give us immense strength.

Together, let's make this dream a reality for our family!

Please share our story with your network and consider donating on our GoGetFunding page:


From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your generosity and support.

With love and gratitude,

The Benjamin Family.


I'm a passionate advocate for family unity and academic pursuit.

I'm a passionate advocate for family unity and academic pursuit.

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