Fundraising campaign by Hassan Mubiru
  • > ₿ 0.00000000
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    Donated So Far
Raised offline: $4,000.00
Total: $4,000.00
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Open Heart Orphanage Ministry started in 2009 there has been ups and downs of this Ministry to the needy and orphans we are currently serving 200 orphans here in Uganda but we never had food independence it has been begging which has costed us kids lives sometimes we go weeks without food and we have reached a time of believing we cannot continue this way in the same time we have identified a land of two acres enough for a garden to produce enough food, generate some funds and teach children different ways of farming which can be done locally we have prayed and fasted for this decision the land is fertile enough adding two seasons we have naturally here we can put an end to this begging idea.

We request you if you ever helped through Open Heart Orphanage Ministry and those who are seeing this for the first time to pray and give as God guides you each acre is $7,500 for two acres we need $14,000 but this land is still on market and taking it off the market to allows us more time to reach out to more people and raise funds we need to deposit $2,000 for each acre once we have paid 70% we can start using the land for gardening while paying the remaining balance.

You can give through this fundraiser or you can go annoynmously by paying through Crypto currency and here is our Bitcoin address: 3HeVdNdLJSzEjiH8JFnkjf33hnd9Gw7mpU you can also reach out to us here by email: [email protected] sms or WhatsApp: +256789456996

God bless you for your support


I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior 1995 from a Muslim family started serving God in 1998 I am a Pastor to DCFUganda and Director to Open H

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior 1995 from a Muslim family started serving God in 1998 I am a Pastor to DCFUganda and Director to Open H

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₿ 0
= US$0.00

This figure is calculated based on the market price of Bitcoin at the time of donation

Donated So Far
Raised offline: ₿0.06468431 / $4,000.00
Total: ₿0.06468431 / $4,000.00

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