A rural communities-helping project by Corporación PBA

Fundraising campaign by Santiago Perry
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The PBA Foundation seeks to improve the standards of living, increase the quality of life and overcome the poverty conditions of small rural producers, promoting participatory innovation processes that tend towards the pacific and sustainable development of rural territories and the conservation of the environment. Thus, it works to reverse the complex situation of rural areas that, despite being essential for the economic and social development of the country, are the ones that face with the greatest intensity the main problems that affect Colombian society: poverty, inequality, violence and displacement.

In its more than 20 years of accompanying rural communities and organizations in their processes of innovation, development and territorial impact, the PBA Foundation has benefited more than 12,500 rural families and contributed to the strengthening of more than 600 organizations in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela.

However, further work needs to be done to strengthen the groups with which we have worked so that they can consolidate their development processes and have a greater contribution on the prosperity of their communities and territories, making the most of the richness and natural wealth of the rural areas and restoring their fundamental place in the national context. Likewise, many rural producers continue to face complex situations of immense vulnerability in which the PBA Foundation could provide them invaluable advice and accompaniment.

We need your support to continue this work and to be able to expand it to new areas and communities in Colombia. All contributions are valuable and essential to help more rural families to improve their quality of life, and for the Colombian countryside to have an innovative, sustainable and humane development.


  • Santiago Perry
  • Campaign Owner
  • CO

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