Help me study in abroad in Tokyo, Japan!

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Hi! I'm James, I am currently a grade 9 student, I only have 3 more years to finish high school and I'm on my way to college! I am currently deciding my course to take either Science and Technology, Computer Engineering or Culinary Arts. The reason why I want to study to abroad in Japan is because of their unique culture and I also want to experience what it's like to live alone and learn another language, and I've heard that the education system in Japan is challenging and since I was kid I love taking on challenges like roller coasters, sky diving and much more. I have dreamed for a very long time for me to study abroad. For me to take an opportunity to study abroad is a blessing, because studying abroad is expensive. Without this fundraising project I wouldn't be able go and study in Japan, especially when my mom is a single parent who have raised me for 15 years alone without any support from my father. That is why I want to study to abroad and be successful so that my mom could stop working and take a rest after all the hard work she have done can finally pay off. But for the past 2 years she has been experiencing extreme headache and passing out occasionally.

But with your help my mother and my dream can be at ease and come true. I know 3 years is a long time but I am already excited about it. I am humbly for your support even a little would be much appreciated! Maybe even share this campaign to your friends and family while you're at it? Whichever way your sending your love and support, thank you so much! Hopefully this campaign is successful!


  • Colin James Daradar
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱300,000.00 goal
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