I Need a House to Live

Fundraising campaign by Julius Okaka
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    raised of $9,800.00 goal goal
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Recently, my parents bought a smaller house. And this past week, while

on vacation in Mombasa (yeah, I vacation in Mombasa), I got to

see it for the first time. During our stay, I was surprised at how

often my mother commented that “they just love their smaller house.” I

wasn’t so much surprised that she felt that way (I am a minimalist after

all), but I was surprised at the frequency. It was a comment that

she repeated over and over again during our one-week stay. Later she died while we had never acquired the title deed. My dad is jobless and I am jobless too. I used to farm dairy but sold to shift to a newer location. I'm married, a father of 3. my friend out there, help raise this money to succeed my life. not just build a house but mostly start a business.


I'm a young businessman

I'm a young businessman

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raised of $9,800.00 goal
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