2018 Rowing World Cup Trip

Fundraising campaign by Tristan Robinson
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    raised of NZ$15,000.00 goal goal
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Hey everyone.
My Name is Tristan, I am currently 16 years old and I live in New Zealand. Since I was 13 years old I have been rowing within school clubs. It has always been a dream to go to watch famous rowers like Mahe Dysdale race in person. The past three years have been the best years of my life, I've made unblievabley amazing friends through the many hours of hard work we have done. Like my dream it is also their's. We have decided that over the course of the next year (as of 22/06/17) we are going to try raise enough money for our team five people (4 rowers and our coxswain) to fly all the way from Auckland to Bulgaria for the next rowing world championshisps. Unfortunatly without proper jobs or qualifications yet as we all are still studying at school. So this is why we cannot make it alone, we hope with the help of kind invdividuals and others maybe we could have a possibility of seeing the world rowing championship in september 2018. Out of the many costs of our trip the elephant is the sher cost of getting five people flights to Bulgaria and back. As of today it costs about $2,650 per person which clearly is alot to pay for alone, but with the help of YOU we hope we can somehow muster enough money to get there. Even a year may seem like a lot of time to raise money, but we only have till the 10th of August to be able to pay for the flights.


  • Tristan Robinson
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of NZ$15,000.00 goal
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