Zajednica u centru – da imam gdje… živjeti

  • €6,665.00
    raised of €11,400.00 goal goal
58% Funded
138 Donors
Raised offline: €100.00
Total: €6,765.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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ZAJEDNICA U CENTRU - Da imam gdje... živjeti


Mi smo grupa građanki iz Petrinje i Siska i od 29. prosinca nismo stali.

Kroz naše udruge, Udrugu IKS i Agenciju lokalne demokracije Sisak, otkad nam se svima život nepovratno promijenio velikim potresom od 6,4 po Richteru, neumorno, već 8 mjeseci, radimo da pomognemo našim sugrađanima i sugrađankama. Nakon tolikog truda, shvatile smo da će nam zajednica nestati ako naši sugrađani i sugrađanke, a posebno mladi, nemaju razloga ostati u njoj i ponovno ju izgraditi. Potresi su srušili i oštetili domove, zgrade, institucije, kulturnu baštinu i infrastrukturu, ali još više obitelji, ljude, naše međusobne veze i sigurnost svakodnevnice. No, mi smo i dalje tu. Iako se svi suočavamo s teškim uvjetima, želimo ponovno izgraditi zajednicu u kojoj će se dešavati naši životi i oni naših prijatelja, obitelji, susjeda te budućih generacija. Jer su hrana, voda i krov nad glavom najosnovnije ljudske potrebe, ali za imalo kvalitetan život potrebne su nam društvena interakcija, međusobna podrška i intelektualni poticaji.

Zato smo odlučile pokrenuti ovu kampanju, #daimamgdje.


Želimo osnovati dva društveno-kulturna centra u Sisku i Petrinji. Imamo veliko iskustvo rada u zajednici i vidimo da je njeno okupljanje i stvaranje sadržaja u svakodnevnom životu za druženje, povezivanje, zabavu, osoban razvoj i međusobnu pomoć najvažnije da bi se zajednica održala. Zato će se kroz dva kontejnerska objekta postaviti temeljna infrastruktura ovih centara, gdje možemo nuditi zajednici i građanima ono što je potrebno.

Što trebamo od tebe? Želimo nabaviti opremu za te društveno-kulturne centre i treba nam u tome podrška..

#daimamgdje organizirati:

  • Koncerte i festivale,
  • Izložbe, predstavljanja knjiga, čitanja poezije,
  • Predstave i kulturne manifestacije,
  • Besplatne edukacije i radionice za sve uzraste,
  • Konferencije, tribine, diskusijske događaje o temama važnim za zajednicu,
  • Filmske projekcije,
  • Savjetovanja i pomoći građanima,
  • Volonterske, solidarne i humanitarne aktivnosti,
  • Prostor za mlade, umjetnike i građane da realiziraju svoje ideje,
  • I još mnogo toga...

U našem prostoru svaka osoba će pronaći mjesto za sebe. Od djece i mladih koji će imati prostor za kreativno izražavanje, educiranje i druženje s vršnjacima, odraslih koji će moći učiti nove vještine, ali i imati sigurno mjesto za ostaviti svoje najmlađe do starijih koji će se moći opet povezati sa svojom zajednicom. Da imamo gdje raditi aktivnosti i sadržaj za koje inače moramo ići u Zagreb ili u inozemstvo.

Ali da bismo tamo mogli raditi i organizirati aktivnosti, treba nam infrastruktura i oprema.

Tu si nam TI važan_na!


Zato što smo grupa ljudi koja je život posvetila radu u našim zajednicama, s ljudima u našoj zajednici. Znamo tu zajednicu, znamo što joj treba i znamo kako to realizirati. O tome svjedoči i koliko smo toga ostvarile u zadnjih osam mjeseci, paralelno s izravnom pomoći koju smo pružale potrebitima:

  • Proveli smo preko 30 radionica za djecu i mlade,
  • Održali smo preko 50 aktivnosti za starije, nemoćne i marginalizirane,
  • Pružili smo psihosocijalnu podršku, dostavljali hranu i higijenske potrepštine stanovnicima kontejnerskih naselja,
  • Sudjelovali smo u koordinaciji humanitarnih organizacija na Baniji zajedno sa Stožerom i Crvenim križom,
  • Poslali smo na razmjenu preko 90 mladih iz ruralnog područja županije,
  • Izravno smo pomogli preko 400 osoba u prevladavanju posljedica potresa,
  • U suradnji sa školama provele smo 6 volonterskih akcija u kojima je sudjelovalo preko 70 učenika, nastavnika i roditelja,
  • Otvorili smo dječju knjižnicu i mjesto ljekovitih priča,
  • Organizirali smo studijsku posjetu recikliranom imanju Vukomerić za učenike i profesore 2 srednje škole,
  • Ugostili smo plesnu skupinu francuskog baleta,
  • Okupili smo lokalne pjesnike kroz poetske susrete ''Pisci na Baniji“,
  • Predstavili smo mlade neafirmirane i afirmirane glazbenike i umjetnike kroz nastupe i izložbe,
  • Organizirali smo izložbe radova osoba iz kontejnerskih naselja i mladih lokalnih umjetnika,
  • Postavili smo izložbu volonterskih programa Sisačko-moslavačke županije u Sisku i Hrvatskoj Kostajnici,
  • Organizirali smo i provele konferenciju „Alati podrške za obrazovanje djece i mladih o održivom razvoju“ na kojoj su sudjelovali predstavnici preko 40 udruga i odgojno-obrazovnih institucija s područja Hrvatske,
  • Provele smo razne kulinarske radionice,
  • I iskreno, vjerojatno još toga što smo zaboravile u svakodnevnoj strci po terenu...

I u svemu tome, podržalo nas je preko 500 volontera s više od 20 000 volonterskih sati!

Procjeni jesmo li po ovome zaslužile tvoje povjerenje i možemo li mi ovu ideju realizirati.


Nadamo se da si do sad prepoznao_la društvenu vrijednost naše ideje za zajednice u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji. Ako si spreman_na nas podržati, doniraj koliko možeš, a čak i ako ne možeš dati financijsku podršku, tvoja podrška može biti u obliku dijeljenja ove priče svojim prijateljima, obitelji i poznanicima.

Pala ti je na pamet super ideja kako bi osim navedenih načina mogao_la pružiti podršku ovoj priči? To nam je super! Javi nam se na mail: [email protected].


Svakim korakom u sredstvima koja skupimo možemo osigurati više potrebne opreme. To su sve nužne stvari da možemo osigurati kvalitetne programe.

Za 11.400,00 € (* 80.000,00 HRK + troškovi platforme i banke) – možemo osigurati sve što je potrebno za odvijanje aktivnosti u DKC-u i oko njega

  • Razglas
  • Stage monitori
  • Mikrofone
  • Miksetu
  • Rasvjetnu opremu
  • Projektor i platno
  • I naravno stolice jer su neophodne za događaje u doba korone

Preko dana će prostor služiti za edukacije i druge aktivnosti, a preko večeri će se pretvoriti u koncertni prostor.


  • Ivona Eterović
  • Tamara Jovičić
  • Paula Raužan
  • Matea Marić
  • Nadja Matešić
  • Barbara Marjanović
  • Sabina Stipanec Grgić
  • Martina Jambrović
  • Valentina Nedeljko
  • Sven Janovski
  • Marin Capan


  • ACF (Fond za aktivno građanstvo Hrvatska)
  • ACT Printlab d.o.o.
  • Aeroklub Sisak
  • Aquarius Records
  • Brodoto
  • Blank produkcija
  • Furche studio
  • Kajak-Kanu Klub Odra
  • Kristian Bagarić
  • Marko Bičanić
  • PDV Records
  • Radio Student


U društveno-kulturnim centrima zajednica se okuplja da bi stvarala, konzumirala i komunicirala. Takvi centri zajednici nude osjećaj pripadnosti i solidarnosti; to su nekonvencionalna mjesta za druženje, opuštanje, razgovor, susrete, produkciju, prezentaciju, edukaciju, savjetovanje i informiranje (Kaoperativa)

Takav centar pridonosit će kvaliteti života u gradu, povećanju aktivnog sudjelovanja građana u društvenim aktivnostima i prevladavanju ostalih suvremenih izazova kao što su siromaštvo, nezaposlenost i isključenost. (Ana Abramović - Primjeri DKC - ova)

COMMUNITY IN THE CENTRE – So I can have a place to ... live


We are a group of citizens from Petrinja and Sisak and since the 29th of December we haven't stopped.

Through our Associations, Association IKS and Local Democracy Agency Sisak, since our lives have irreversibly changed with the big earthquake of 6,4 Richter magnitude, tirelessly, for 8 months now, we have been working on helping our community members. After so much effort, we have realised that our community will disappear if our community members, especially youth, do not have a reason to stay here and rebuild it. The earthquakes have demolished and devastated homes, apartments, buildings, institutions, cultural heritage and infrastructure, and even more so families, people, our connections and the safety of everyday life. However, we are still here. Even though we are all dealing with difficult conditions, we want to rebuild this community in which our lives, the lives of our friends, family, neighbours and future generations will continue. Food, water and a roof over our heads are basic human needs, yet for a decent life, we need social interaction, mutual support and intellectual stimulation.

That's why we decided to initiate this campaign, #daimamgdje (English: So I can have a place to...)


We want to set up two socio-cultural centres in Sisak and Petrinja. We have extensive experience in community work and we know that community gatherings, creating content in everyday lives for social interactions, connections, entertainment, personal development and mutual support are most important in sustaining a community. That is why we will provide a basic infrastructure for these centres through the use of two container units, where we can offer the community and its members what is needed.

What do we need from you? We would like to procure equipment for these socio-cultural centres and we need support to do this.

So we can have a place to organise:

  • Concerts and festivals,
  • Exhibitions, book presentations, poetry readings,
  • Theatre shows and cultural manifestations,
  • Free workshops, education and training for all age groups,
  • Conferences, forums, events initiating dialogue about topics important to the community,
  • Film/movie projections,
  • Advisory/counseling service for citizens,
  • Volunteering, solidarity and humanitarian activities,
  • A space for youth, artists and citizens to realise their ideas,
  • And much, much more…

Within our space, every person will find a place for themselves. From children and youth who will have a place for creative expression, education and socialisation with peers, adults who will be able to learn new skills, yet also have a safe place to leave their youngsters, to the senior citizens who will be able to connect once again with their community. To have a place to organise activities and content for which we would otherwise have to go to Zagreb or abroad.

To be able to work on this and organise these activities, we need the infrastructure and equipment.

This is where we need YOU, your support is important to us!


Because we are a group of people who dedicated their lives to work within our community, with our community members. We know these communities, we know what they need and how to accomplish that. This is evidenced by everything we've achieved during the last eight months, while providing assistance to those in need.

  • We conducted over 30 workshops for children and youth,
  • We held over 50 activities for the elderly, frail and marginalized citizens,
  • We provide psychosocial support, delivered food and hygiene supplies to the inhabitants of container settlements,
  • We participated in the coordination of humanitarian organisations in our Banovina region, together with the crisis Headquarters and the Red Cross,
  • We sent over 90 young people from rural areas of the county for exchanges,
  • We directly helped over 400 people to overcome immediate consequences of the earthquake,
  • In cooperation with schools, we conducted 6 volunteer actions in which over 70 students, teachers and parents participated,
  • We opened a children's library and a place for healing stories,
  • We organised a study visit to the Recycled Estate educational centre in Vukomerić for students and teachers of 2 high schools,
  • We hosted a dance group of French ballet,
  • We gathered local poets through poetry meets "Writers in Banija",
  • We presented young non-established and established musicians and artists through performances and exhibitions,
  • We organised exhibitions of works by people from container settlements and young local artists,
  • We set up an exhibition of volunteer programs of Sisak-Moslavina County in Sisak and Hrvatska Kostajnica,
  • We organised and conducted a conference "Support Tools for the Education of Children and Youth on Sustainable Development", which was attended by representatives of over 40 associations and educational institutions from Croatia,
  • We conducted various culinary workshops,
  • and honestly, probably more that we have forgotten in the daily rush in the field ...

And, in all of this, we were supported by over 500 volunteers with over 20 000 volunteer hours!

We hope that you can assess whether we have earned your trust in this way and whether we can realise this idea.


We hope that you were able to recognise the social value of our idea for the communities in the Sisak-Moslavina County. If you are willing and ready to support us, donate as much as you can, and if you can't offer financial help, your support could be in sharing our story with your friends, family and associates.

Do you have a great idea on how you could, apart from the mentioned methods, offer your support to our story and idea? That's great! Contact us on the following email: [email protected]


With every step in collecting resources, we can secure more of the needed equipment. They are all necessary items in ensuring quality programs.

For 11.400,00 € (* 80.000,00 HRK + platform and banking fees) – we can suppry everyting that's needed to organise activites in the socio-cultural centre and around it:

  • Loudspeakers
  • Stage monitors
  • Microphones
  • Mixers
  • Lighting equipment
  • Projector and projection screen
  • And, of course, chairs because they are essential in COVID times

During the day the space will be used for workshops and other activities, and during the evenings it will be converted into an event area.


  • Ivona Eterović
  • Tamara Jovičić
  • Paula Raužan
  • Matea Marić
  • Nadja Matešić
  • Barbara Marjanović
  • Sabina Stipanec Grgić
  • Martina Jambrović
  • Valentina Nedeljko
  • Sven Janovski
  • Marin Capan


  • Active Citizen Fund Croatia
  • ACT Printlab d.o.o.
  • Aero club Sisak
  • Aquarius Records
  • Brodoto agency
  • Blank production
  • Furche studio
  • Kajak-Kanu Club Odra
  • Kristian Bagarić
  • Marko Bičanić
  • PDV Records
  • Radio Student


In socio-cultural centres, the community gathers to create, consume and communicate. Such centres offer the community a sense of belonging and solidarity; these are unconventional places to socialize, relax, talk, meet, produce, present, educate, counsel, and inform. (Kaoperativa)

Such a centre will contribute to the quality of life in the city, increase the active participation of citizens in social activities and overcome other contemporary challenges such as poverty, unemployment and exclusion. (Ana Abramović - Examples of SCCs)


Ždral s TVOJIM imenom/A crane, with YOUR name: HR - Jedan prekrasan papirnati ždral s TVOJIM imenom visjet će i ukrasiti prostor jednog od budućih društveno-kulturnih centara. Da se uvijek možemo sjetiti tebe i koliko si nam pomogao_la! ENG - A beautiful paper crane, with YOUR name, will hang and decorate the space of one of the future socio-cultural centres. So we can always remember you, and how much you've helped us!

12 Backers
12 Backers

Cubismo i Jazz orkestar HRT-a – Tumbao (CD): HR – Órale! Ako živiš la vida loca i kad čuješ tresillo i dvočetvrtinski beat automatski ti krv počne gorjeti i moraš se kretati pa ovo ti je savršeno. Legendarni domaći, a i međunarodni bend Cubismo s Jazz orkestrom HRT-a prošle je godine ispred HRT-a održao odličan live koncert. Sad ga možeš iskusiti i kod sebe doma. Pripremi koktele! ENG - Órale! If you're living la vida loca, the sound of tresillo and a twoquarter beat gets your blood burning and you just need to move, well this is just perfect. The legendary Croatian, but also international band Cubismo, along with the Croatian Radiotelevison Jazz Orchestra recorded a live concert last year. Now you can experience it in your own home. Prepare the cocktails!

0 Backers
0 Backers

Mayales – Domovina (CD): HR - Ako si fan pomalo psihodeličnog rocka i voliš bendove koji vole eksperimentirati, možda bi te Mayales mogao zanimati. A čak i ako nisi, ovaj bend mijenja svoj zvuk iz albuma u albuma i uvijek iznenađuje, a ovaj najnoviji album je opisan kao možda najpristupačniji. Pa hajde, budi hrabar_ra pa mu daj priliku. Ignoriraj ime albuma, nisu nacisti, obećavamo. ENG – If you're a fan of somewhat psychodelic rock, and you like bands that are keen to experiment, maybe Mayales is your thing. And even if you're not a fan, this band changes its sound and always surprises, while this latest release has been described as maybe their most accessible yet. So go on, be brave and give it a try. And ignore the album name (cro. fatherland), they aren't nazis, we promise.

2 Backers
2 Backers

Pocket Palma torba/Pocket Palma Bag: HR – Za sve ljubitelje ovog dreamy synth pop benda, ova torba će vas definitivno istaknuti u javnosti, a i super je alternativa bendovskoj majici kad idući put odete na njihov koncert. ENG – For all fans of this dreamy synth pop band, this bag will definitely get you noticed in public, and is a great alternative to a band shirt next time you go see them live.

5 Backers
5 Backers

Oliver Dragojević i Hauser „Noć nek tiho svira“ LP: HR – 2011. godine legenda Oliver i mladi crossover čelist Hauser (2Cellos) upustili su se u avanturu izvođenja Oliverovih evergreenova u aranžmanu Oliverovog klavira i violončela. Rezultat je jedna sasvim drugačija interpretacija Oliverovih hitova, svakako za avanturistične ljubitelje ovog galeba. ENG – In 2011 the legendary Oliver, and the young crossover cellist Hauser (2Cellos) embarked on the adventure of performing Oliver's evergreen standards in a piano and cello arrangement. The result is a completely different interpretation of Oliver's hits, definitely for the more adventurous fans.

1 Backers
1 Backers

Oliver Dragojević „Vridilo je“ LP: HR – 15 godina od izdanja, ovaj moderni klasik je ove godine reizdan i na vinilu. Malo koji izvođač toliko kasno u karijeri uspije ostvariti ovakav uspjeh, ali Oliver to može. Prepun novih hitova, daj ovom izdanju priliku pa nam javi je li vridilo. Vjerujemo da je. ENG – 15 years after its release, this modern classic saw a vinyl re-release this year. Very few artists manage to achieve such a success so late in their careers, but Oliver can. Full of modern hits, give this release a shot and let us know if it was worth it.

1 Backers
1 Backers

Oliver Dragojević i Gibonni „Familija“ LP: HR – Oliver i Đibo, na Korčuli s vinom i gitarama, a rezultat je ovaj kolaborativni album. Druge riječi su nepotrebne, znate što od ove dvojice možete očekivati. Prava stvar za fanove mediteranskog ambijenta, prugasta mornarska majica nije uključena. ENG – Oliver and Gibonni, on Korčula island with wine and guitars, and the result is this collaborative album. Nothing more needs to be said, you know what to expect from these two. Perfect for fans on Mediterranean ambiance, stripped sailor shirt not included.

1 Backers
1 Backers

Pocket palma – Pocket palma s potpisom/with signature (CD): HR – Ne, nije mala palma koju možeš strpati u džep. Ako si fan ovog dreamy synth pop benda, imaš jedinstvenu priliku uzeti njihovo debitantsko izdanje, koje je bomba. Također, dobit ćeš „daleke poljupce“ od bend osobnom posvetom na CD-u! ENG – Nope, this isn't a tiny palm tree that you can stick in your pocket. If you're a fan of this dreamy synth pop band, you have a unique opportunity to pick up their debut release, which is the bomb. Also, the band will send you some „far away kisses“ by signing your CD!

1 Backers
1 Backers

Jan Kinčl and Reggis Kattie – In Plain Sight LP: HR – Debitantski album elektroničkog producenta Jana Kinčla, kojeg su kritičari opisali kao možda najzanimljivijeg novog producenta iz ove regije, savršen je ako voliš plesnu elektroniku (techno/house), ali koja naginje ka IDM-u i ukorijenjena je u jazz senzibilitetu. Možda je ovo biser koji ti se skrivao ispred nosa? ENG – The debut album from electronic producer Jan Kinčl, described by critics as maybe the most interesting new producer from this region, is perfect if you like electronic dance music (techno/house), with inclinations towards IDM and rooted in a jazz sensibility. Maybe this was a gem hiding in plain sight?

1 Backers
1 Backers

Boris Štok „Uvijek dio mene“ LP: HR - Vinilno izdanje LP-a „Uvijek dio mene“ pjevača i kantautora Borisa Štoka (Quasarr). Za one koji_e vole emocionalni pop-rock na onim kišnim večerima kod kuće. ENG - Vinyl edition of the „Uvijek dio mene“ (eng. Always a Part of Me) LP by singer-songwriter Boris Štok (Qasarr). For those who like some emotional pop-rock on those rainy evenings at home.

0 Backers
0 Backers

Muppet Puppet lutka/Muppet Puppet Doll: HR - Bez obzira želiš li ovo kao poklon za tvoje dijete ili za dijete u tebi, Muppet Puppet lutka sigurno će biti izvor puno zabave i smijeha. Ručno su je radili_e volonteri_ke u Petrinji i Udruga IKS ih radi već nekoliko godina, na veselje svih. ENG - Whether you want this is a gift for your child, or your own inner child, this Muppet Puppet Doll will definitely be a source of fun and laughter. It's hand-made by volunteers in Petrinja and Association IKS has been making them for several years now, to everyone's joy.

6 Backers
6 Backers

Healing Sounds LP Majica sa Slurp festivala/Slurp Festival Shirt: HR – U ovom tematski primjerenom kompletu pronaći ćeš kopiju Healing Sounds LP-a, kolekcije glazbe elektroničkih umjetnika s PDV Recordsa, snimljen kao pomoć Zagrebu nakon potresa rane 2020. godine. Kao što i kaže samo ime, album sadrži zvukove koji prvenstveno liječe – dušu i srce u ovim izazovnim vremenima. Usto, u kompletu dobiješ i cool majicu sa Slurp Festivala, da turobni svijet oko nas malo pošpricaš bojama. PDV uključen u cijenu. ENG - In this thematically apt bundle you will find a copy of the Healing Sounds LP, a collection of music from various electronic artists in the PDV Records label, recorded for a benefit after the earthquake that hit Zagreb in early 2020. As the name suggests, the album contains sounds that heal – the heart, and the soul, in these trying times. Also, bundled is a really cool t-shirt from the Slurp Festival, so you can spray some colour on the drab world around us. VAT included.

2 Backers
2 Backers

Massimo – Vještina Boutique LP s potpisom/with signature: HR - Ovaj LP koji sadrži live izvedbe obrada s turneje iz 2019. povodom 15. godišnjice izlaska albuma „Vještina“, prava je kolekcionarska vrijednost i to s Maksovim potpisom! Možda će sve to mila moja prekriti ruzmarin, snjegovi i šaš, ali ovaj album ostat će ti još dugo kao utjeha. ENG – This LP, containing live performances from the 2019 tour celebrating 15 years since the release of „Vještina“, is a real collector’s item, especially with Maks' signature on it!

0 Backers
0 Backers

Panoramski izlet nad Siskom s paragliderom/Panoramic Paragliding Excursion Above Sisak: HR - Ako ti je kajaking dosadan i tražiš više adrenalina, ovo je posebno za tebe. Panoramski let za jednu osobu nad Siskom da ti dah stane. Ali bez brige, s tobom ide i profesionalni paraglider koji svime upravlja i pazi na tebe. Vidi Sisak na potpuno nov i drugačiji način! ENG - If you find kayaking boring, and you're looking for more adrenaline, well then this is for you. A panoramic flight for one person above Sisak to take your breath away. But don't worry, a professional paraglider will be coming with you, who will take care of flying and look after you. See Sisak in a completely new and different way!

3 Backers
3 Backers

Mali online tečaj razvoja projekta/Mini online project development course: HR - Želiš postati mag razvoja projektnih koncepata? Želiš biti meštar_resa logičke matrice? Želiš da se indikatori i multiplikatori pokoravaju čistoj snazi tvojih ideja? Kroz ovaj početnički online tečaj ekipa iz ALD Sisak može te sve to naučiti, da rasturiš na idućem natječaju na koji apliciraš. Tečaj je individualan, tako da ja pažnja predavača potpuno posvećena tvojim potrebama, a može biti na hrvatskom ili engleskom. ENG - Do you want to become a wizard of project concepts? A master_mistress of the logframe? Do you want indicators and multipliers to bend to the sheer power of your ideas? Through this beginner online course, the crew at LDA Sisak will teach you everything you need to know so you can rock your next project application call. The course is on an individual basis, so you'll have the full attention of the teacher to your needs, and it can be conducted in Croatian or in English.

1 Backers
1 Backers

Fundraising Team

  • Tamara Jovicic
  • Campaign Owner
  • Sven Janovski
  • Manager


  • Zaklina Maric
  • Donated on Oct 20, 2021
  • Podrška kvalitetnim programima u kulturi! Obitelji Marić :)

  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 20, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 19, 2021

No updates for this campaign just yet

Donors & Comments

138 donors
  • Zaklina Maric
  • Donated on Oct 20, 2021
  • Podrška kvalitetnim programima u kulturi! Obitelji Marić :)

  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 20, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 19, 2021
  • Bruno Koic
  • Donated on Oct 19, 2021
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 19, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 19, 2021
  • Natka Badurina
  • Donated on Oct 17, 2021
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 17, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Oct 16, 2021
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Morana Starcevic
Sanja Horvatincic
Aneta Vladimirov
Ena Živković
Lucija Medurecan
Mia Rupcic
Valentina Nedeljko
Raffaella Dapolito
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raised of €11,400.00 goal
58% Funded
138 Donors
Raised offline: €100.00
Total: €6,765.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities