Fundraising campaign by Mojca Robic
  • €40.00
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Enchanting the children's world, adding stories to it and taking it through the music and rhythm to
the world of imagination has always been my favorite activity. My passion. And my work related to it.

My name is Mojca, and although I graduated in pre school education, I haveve been working and creating
in the dance industry and creative projects related to dance and music for 25 years. My focus, however, remains on working with young people, especially children. During these years about 40 childrens songs were created, I am proud of the performance of two musicals, with which I toured Slovenia, Austria and Italy (we had over 80 performances), a third musical is being created, but due to the current situation with the covid it has been delayed.

My own songs were part of dance choreographies, television shows for children and many singing
and dancing performances, which I prepared at various events in Slovenia and abroad.

I live for creativity, for creating and intertwining new ideas, and at the same time I am marked by
genuine energy and charisma, and a heartfelt relationship with children. This is me. That is who I
trully am. And I enjoy it endlessly.
I am increasingly drawn to new creations for children, as I believe that the world of children is boundless and that no matter how our world and our experience of the world change, children remain children. Clean and carefree. And I believe that children will forever see the world as a colorful, friendly space, and it is our responsibility to help create it that way.

The ideas that emerge are related to just that. With colors, with stories, with imagination and melody. The project, which can be upgraded, offers an unimaginable source of encouraging children and their development, as well as building the foundations of a healthy and open mindset and a genuine, heartfelt perception of the world around them.

Why am I trying to raise funds through this portal as well? Simply because, despite ideas, I cannot bear all the financial burden on my own. In the last two years, Covid has deprived me of most business opportunities that would provide me with the basic means to do business, sometimes even survival.

Based on everything we have done in the past, I believe that I will not run out of ideas or creativity for successful projects in the future, but at the moment I see an opportunity mainly in - on the one hand didactic projects for educators and teachers, on the other hand as didactic aids for the general use of parents and their toddlers. At the same time, the idea of practical gifts for newborns and toddlers is being developed, which would include both an emotional note and instructive goodnight fairy tales, with a creative addition to the author's sung songs that would lead the child into a sweet dream. Upgrading a project can be endless - from preparing online and live shows, performances and creative workshops for toddlers and their parents.

My idea is also to expand the repertoire of songs for children thematically, and the choreography of individual songs is also offered as a special product. With the idea that songs can also be translated into stories, coloring books and didactic games, it seems to me that we are on the right track to be able to offer integrated products that would influence the playful and meaningful development of children, while also offering creative and playful aids to staff, in the preparation of teaching materials.

Why do I believe that it is my songs, stories, performances and musical notes that are so important for children? Because I believe that the most crucial message we can give to our child as parents is that we are kind - kind to ourselves first, kind to others, kind to the world around us. That we are kind. Warm hearted. And that we can see beauty.

My songs thus promote friendly relations and help to fellow human beings, draw attention to ecological issues and at the same time establish a beautiful relationship with nature and the environment in which we live, draw attention to difference, and at the same time connect everything in a circle of mutual understanding and open support. Last but not least, they connect everything into a musical note, because through songs and choreography, children also learn about different rhythms, from the basics of samba to cha-cha.

If you recognize the potential in my energy and ideas, I will be grateful for any financial help.
I believe
that as a community we can achieve great things, why not make the childrens world better together!

A great and honest THANK YOU in advance.

I accept donations at:


RUMBA D.O.O., Entertainment activities, Titov trg 4, 3320 Velenje, Tax number 79689400,
the company is not liable for VAT.

With dance and music, you brighten up your day!
With kind regards!

Mojca Robic


Čarati otroški svet, mu dodajati zgodbe in ga skozi glasbo in ritem popeljati v svet domišljije je že od nekdaj moja najljubša aktivnost. In z njo povezano moje delo.
Moje ime je Mojca, sem diplomirana vzgojiteljica, ki pa že 25 let ustvarjam in delam v plesni industriji in v kreativnih projektih, povezanih s plesom in glasbo. Moj fokus pa ves čas ostaja na delu z mladimi, še posebej otroki. Zaradi tega je v teh letih nastalo približno 40 otroških pesmi, ponosna sem na izvedbo dveh muzikalov, s katerimi sem gostovala po Sloveniji, Avstriji in Italiji, v nastajanju je tudi tretji muzikal, ki pa se je zaradi aktualne situacije s korono za nekaj časa zamaknil.

Avtorske pesmi so bile del plesnih koreografij, televizijskih oddaj za otroke in mnogih pevsko plesnih predstav, ki sem jih vrsto let pripravljala na različnih dogodkih po Sloveniji in v tujini.

Živim za kreativnost, za ustvarjanje in prepletanje novih idej, hkrati pa me zaznamuje pristna energija in karizma, ter srčen odnos z otroki. To sem jaz. In v tem neskončno uživam. Vedno bolj me zopet vleče v nova ustvarjanja za otroke, saj verjamem, da je otroški svet brezmejen in da ne glede na to, kako se spreminja naš svet in naše doživljanje sveta, otroci ostajajo otroci. Čisti in nepokvarjeni. In verjamem, da bodo otroci svet večno videli kot barvit, prijazen prostor, naš odgovornost pa je, da ga takšnega pomagamo ustvarjati.

Ideje, ki nastajajo, so povezane prav s tem. Z barvami, z zgodbami, z domišljijo in melodijo. Projekt, ki se lahko nadgrajuje, ponuja pa nesluten vir spodbujanja otrok in njihovega razvoja, kot tudi gradnjo temeljev zdrave in odprte miselnosti in pristnega, srčnega dojemanja sveta okoli sebe.

Zakaj poskušam sredstva pridobivati tudi preko tega portala. Preprosto zato, ker kljub idejam, za katere verjamem, da jih ne bo zmanjkalo, sama ne zmorem vsega finančnega bremena. Covid me je v zadnjih dveh letih prikrajšal za večino poslovnih priložnosti, ki bi mi zagotavljala osnovna sredstva za poslovanje, včasih tudi preživetje.

Na podlagi vsega, kar smo v preteklosti že izvedli, verjamem, da mi ne bo zmanjkalo ne idej ne kreativnosti za uspešne projekte tudi v prihodnje, v tem trenutku pa priložnost vidim predvsem v – na enem delu didaktičnih projektih za vzgojitelje in učitelje, po drugi strani pa kot didaktične pripomočke za splošno rabo staršev in njihovih malčkov. Sočasno je v razvoju tudi ideja o praktičnih darilih za novorojenčke in malčke, ki bi zajemala tako čustveno noto, kot poučne pravljice z lahko noč, s kreativnim dodatkom avtorsko odpetih pesmih, ki bi otročka zazibale v sladek sen. Nadgradnja projekta je lahko neskončna – od pripravljanja avtorskih oddaj, predstav in kreativnih delavnic za malčke in njihove starše.

Moja ideja je tudi, da se repertoar pesmic za otroke tematsko razširi, kot poseben produkt pa se ponuja tudi koreografija posameznih pesmic. Ob ideji, da se lahko pesmi prelevijo tudi v zgodbe, pobarvanke in didaktične igre, se mi zdi, da smo na pravi poti, da lahko ponudimo celostne produkte, ki bi vplivali na igriv in smiseln razvoj otrok, hkrati pa ponudil tudi kreativen in igriv pripomoček kadru, pri pripravi učne snovi.

Zakaj verjamem, da so ravno moje pesmice, predstave in glasbena nota tako pravzaprav pomembne, za otroke? Zato, ker verjamem, da je najbolj ključno sporočilo, ki ga kot starši lahko damo svojemu otroku to, da smo prijazni – prijazni v prvi vrsti do sebe, prijazni do drugih, prijazni do sveta okoli nas. Da smo prijazni. Srčni. In da zmoremo videti lepoto. Moje pesmi tako spodbujajo prijateljske odnose in pomoč sočloveku, opozarjajo na ekološko problematiko in hkrati vzpostavljajo lep odnos do narave in okolja v katerem živimo, opozarjajo na drugačnost, hkrati pa povezujejo vse, v krog medsebojnega razumevanja in odkrite podpore. Vse skupaj pa nenazadnje povežejo še v glasbeno noto, saj skozi pesmice in koreografijo otroci spoznavajo tudi različne ritme, vse od osnov sambe do ča-ča ja.

Če v moji energiji in idejah prepoznate potencial bom hvaležna kakršnekoli finančne pomoči. Verjamem, da kot skupnost lahko dosegamo velike stvari, zakaj ne bi skupaj zavrteli še otroškega sveta na bolje!

V naprej iskrena, HVALA!

Donacije sprejemam na:


RUMBA D.O.O., Razvedrilne dejavnosti, Titov trg 4, 3320 Velenje, davčna številka 79689400,
podjetje ni davčni zavezanec.

S plesom in glasbo je dan lepši!
S prijaznimi pozdravi!

Mojca Robič


  • Mojca Robic
  • Campaign Owner


  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Sep 29, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Adrian Popa
  • Donated on Sep 29, 2021
  • vso srečo


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Sep 29, 2021
Amount Hidden
  • Adrian Popa
  • Donated on Sep 29, 2021
  • vso srečo



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