Crowdfunding Campaigns

We’ve helped people from all over Taiwan crowdfund the things that matter to them most. From personal fundraisers, to acts of kindness, emergency relief, and more. Create your campaign for free!

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Uber救護車 香港「流學生」支援計劃
其實有不少「流學生」的年紀都與我們相若,他們曾是在香港讀書升學的香港學生,但受到社會動盪影響,要中途輟學而被迫離開自己的成長之地。 離境的一刻,就要靠自己面對未來發生的所有問題。 而家「流學生」已經是一個沒有身份的人,不能回香港也沒有外國護照,在香港的學生為這個學期的成積煩惱同時,地球另一邊的「流學生」就在一個無依無靠的城市中,面對著因為沒有身份而引起的種種麻煩 他們要計算手上的金錢是否足夠到市中心辨理文件,如何維生,還有如何盡快聯絡當地的手足協助自己解決簽證問題。還需要煩惱未來的路應該要怎樣走。 當中有「流學生」在香港户口已被凍結,無辦法在海外提款,導致要流浪街頭。 有「流學生」患有抑鬱需要長期服藥,但因為沒有身份而不能看醫生,導致病情惡化。 最嚴重的問題是,這班香港連香港學業還未完成的「流學生」去到外國,家人付不起昂貴的學費,不能辦理Student Visa,他們的未來前途可謂是一片黑暗。 因此,成立「香港人-同香會」,「同香會」主要為聯絡香港人,建立在外地的香港人網絡,提供助學金予優秀「流學生」,其他服務包括: -協助「流學生」配對寄宿家庭 -創造及發掘更多適合遠端工作嘅就業機會及提供職業培訓 -提供當地簽證顧問服務 -開展文娛活動團結當地香港人 Uber救護車團隊及云云抗爭者中的一個Nobody上 I am Nobody, We are Nobody,
160 Donors
£20,443 raised
17% funded
Taiwan Madhatter Knits
The Madhatter Knits, a non-profit organization, aspires to donate handknitted beanies for premature infants and those with special needs. Taiwan. . . . .
10 Donors
NT$19,591 raised
32% funded
Richard Chao: Raising funds to help with early onset dementia
Our dear father and friend, Richard Chao, has recently suffered a horrible traffic accident, that has left him permanently brain. . . . .
10 Donors
NT$8,020 raised
10% funded
Birthday 2022
Hello I am turning 23 and I would like to get products to continue my yilwa ntombo lifestyle but doing
4 Donors
NT$3,360 raised
48% funded
Help me pay my college tuition
Hello, my name is Roxie, a Taiwanese college student who studies in graphic design. Last semester I realized my dream. . . . .
11 Donors
$335 raised
13% funded
Help CHENG and Daughter Start Over After Tragedy
(Real quick: My name is Louise Li and I'm Cheng family good friend in Taiwan. I have their begrudging consent. . . . .
1 Donors
NT$3,000 raised
1% funded
2024 年 4 月 3 日,這天是清明連假前夕,在台灣發生芮氏規模 7.2 地震。中央災害應變中心統計截至 4/4 上午 8 時,強震造成全國 9 人死亡、1038 人受傷及 93 人受困 52 人失聯。 賑災基金會作為公私部門的救災協力夥伴,經行政院協調相關單位,開辦本次捐款帳戶,將全力支援災區及災民進行救災
15 Donors
$2,407 raised
Pigs’ Heaven – farmed animals sanctuary in TAIWAN
中文下面 Taiwan is an island off the coast of China. Pigs' Heaven is a place of safety for a few. . . . .
10 Donors
$1,210 raised
5% funded
Help for my father who has cancer.
My father, a healthy, fit man for his age was recently diagnosed with two tumours in his colon. Now he’s. . . . .
13 Donors
$888 raised
8% funded