Nov 04, 2020 at 12:51 am

Update from Tuesday 11/3 - Travel to Athens

Update posted by Aaron Sachowitz

Hello to all the generous supporters. I spoke with Nikos' doctors on Tuesday morning about his condition and consulted with some doctors here in the US as well. Unfortunately, it seems he has continued to deteriorate, and is being kept alive only though serious medical intervention at this time. Recovery is not out of the question, but seems to be getting increasingly unlikely, and I have been bluntly told that I should be prepared for him to not recover. I have therefor decided to book a flight to Greece as soon as possible to hopefully get to spend some time with him and see how I can help in person. I am still hopeful that these generous donations will get to be used on Nikos' recovery, but I am also trying to come to terms with the reality that I may have to spend it on funerary arrangements instead. Please keep Nikos in your hearts and prayers in the next few days and wish me a safe journey to see him in Athens.

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