May 06, 2020 at 10:32 am

Novosti o kampanji / News about the campaign

Update posted by Zelena akcija

Dragi i drage, zbog trenutne situacije s pandemijom, nismo još bili u mogućnosti otići u Sisačko-moslavačku županiju i odraditi instalacije solarnih sustava u kućanstvima nakon uspješno provedene humanitarne kampanje #ZrakaSuncaSvjetloNade. Ne samo zbog nemogućnosti nabave sustava i kretanja izvan mjesta prebivališta, već i kako ne bismo ugrozili ljude kojima ćemo dovesti struju jer je riječ o starijoj populaciji koja je posebno ugrožena od zaraze koronavirusom.

Dodatno, uslijed pandemije, kao i posljedica potresa u Zagrebu u kojem je oštećen ured Zelene akcije, nismo još bili u mogućnosti tiskati i poslati nagrade onim donatorima i donatoricama koji su ih odabrali.

No ne brinite! Instalacije solarnih sustava ćemo svakako provesti te će vaše donacije omogućiti dovođenje struje u 5 domova u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji! A dobit ćete i svoje nagrade. Nadamo se kako će to biti moguće uskoro te ćemo vas o svemu izvijestiti. Do tada, čuvajmo sebe i svoje sugrađanke i sugrađane.


Dears, due to the current situation with the pandemic, we have not yet been able to go to Sisak-Moslavina County and do solar installations in households after the successful "Ray of Sun - Light of Hope" campaign. Not only because of the impossibility of purchasing the systems and moving freely outside the place of residence, but also in order not to endanger the people to whom we will bring electricity, because it is an elderly population, which is especially vulnerable to coronavirus infection.

In addition, due to the pandemic, as well as the aftermath of the Zagreb earthquake that damaged the Zelena akcija/FoE Croatia office, we were not yet able to print and send awards to those donors who selected them.

But don't worry! We will definitely carry out solar system installations and your donations will enable electricity to be supplied to 5 homes in Sisak-Moslavina County! And you will get your rewards too. We hope this will be possible soon and we will keep you posted. Until then, let's keep ourselves and our fellow citizens safe.

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