Apr 16, 2019 at 03:22 am

Cost Update

Update posted by Kelsi Hill

We can not thank you enough everyone! We have had many shares and some wonderful and thoughtful people donate and we have an update on cost! We were hoping to have a nice service or celebration but are quickly realizing that’s just not going to be possible. Our biggest worry is the cremation costs because we can not get his ashes until it is paid in full. The cost of cremation by itself (well includes the pick up cost because he died at home and not in a hospital) is just over $2,000. Gary’s Birthday is on April 25th and his family’s biggest wish is to have him home for it. Please help us by donating what you can or especially by sharing!

Thank you everyone and many blessing to your loved ones, we truly never know what day is our last so hold them close and show your love everyday 😘

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