Sep 25, 2018 at 06:35 am

Garden update mid-September 2018

Update posted by Bryan H

Edit: September 28, 2018 - Latest update is now posted on the website blog.

Thank you every one so far for your assistance.

The weather in my area is having cooler evenings now. We are having a lot of rain (and even had some light frost) that is keeping me out of the garden. There was a half day I was able to get in the garden and harvest the first few potatoes from the only brown plant. I am hoping the rest will finish ripening before frost, or else I will need to dig them with green tops. I will put the picture of the first Potato harvest on the website blog soon.

I also harvested most of the tomatoes, 16 more cucumbers, 2 more large zucchini, 4 jumbo green onion plants and a biggggg pile of Basil (about 12 plants). I pulled out some plants that would not produce anything before freeze up and had to stop because the rain chased me out of the gardens.

I took the cucumbers, zucchini, jumbo green onions and all the Basil in to the CMHA Regina Branch kitchen. The cook was so excited to get the produce. She commented positively on the size of my zucchini and I think she was going to use some of the cucumbers for lunch that day.

The next warmer day that I can get back in to the gardens I will most likely remove all the plants left with no fruit on them and start fall soil amending. I have several blocks of Coco Coir sitting in my hall way ready to re-hydrate and dig in to the soil beds before frost.

I got the contact info for a guy with a riding rototiller but I have not called him for a quote with all this rain. I am thinking I would like to at least triple the current garden space but I am limited with time, effort and money (the things most gardeners are to familure with).

Until next time,may your carrots grow straight and your peas be full, Bryan

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