Jun 08, 2017 at 07:31 pm

Just Over A Month Until Take-Off

Update posted by Anna LaCore

Hello All!

Thank you to all of you have chosen to enter into this journey with me!

I am about 5 weeks away from taking off from the States to travel back to East Africa. I have been walking through a lot of emotions recently with it. I truly cannot wait to return, but whenever you being obedient to God's calling you will be met with tension. I feel like I have been deep in that tension recently! I have been trying to keep my blog updated with information and my feelings towards it all. Please follow that to know more! You can find it at karibudreamers.net

While I have reached my original financial goal, (YIPPIE!!!) I am looking to raise at least $1,000 more. There are multiple reasons for this. As, I have continued to navigate the planning and logistics I have realized my financial needs are greater than last year. The basic needs are larger. Needs such as visas and transportation between countries.

I also hope to be able to bless a few of the ministries I am connected with. Specifically, we are hoping to plan a launch event for Bana Munsange Ministries while I am there. It would be great to raise a few extra funds to be able to do that really well and bless the families well! There is also a ministry in Tanzania I would like to be able to bless while there.

Any extra funds I raise will be used to bless these ministries and others I encounter!

Please prayerfully consider financially giving to this adventure and be a part of loving the children of East Africa! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. I aim to be as open and honest about this journey as I can be!

If you are willing to spread the word by sharing this through your avenues of social media I would appreciate that also!

Blessings to you all!

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