Mar 01, 2018 at 07:46 am

The promise of spring

Update posted by Evie Soldatos

The planet is certainly in a state of weather confusion; the blossoms have been on the trees here in Greece for weeks already and it's still officially been mid winter. On the whole, winter on Lefkada has been relatively mild although we have had enough rain to fill the dams we don't have and that is a good thing even considering the drenchings we've all had. In its last gasp winter has delivered us a cold snap that hit us this week but we are still fortunate here as the rest of Europe is under snow. So the cats have had a reprieve in that regard and those that have milled around me have been regularly fed as well.

As always, it has been a challenge to keep delivering the twice daily feeds to the hoard. I am forever grateful to my supporters especially those in my local community who have given what they can when they can. Bags of cat biscuits and tins of wet food have been gratefully received by me and then of course the felines. As I've said before I can never have enough food and it's always on the shopping list. When I am penniless even the local supermarket is supportive letting me go into hock to get what's needed although this is far from ideal; he knows I'm good for it.

I am still avoiding the vet clinic until I have funds to pay the outstanding account and this is a source of stress and embarrassment to me as well as a barrier to getting attention to the cats that need it. I still have at least 3 cats old enough to be desexed and a couple that need other veterinary attention. I live in hope that all that will be sorted in time. In the meantime the care continues as we all wait for warmer days and the promise of more pickings in the bins and at the tavernas that will soon be milling with tourists and locals alike.

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