Dec 01, 2012 at 05:51 pm

For my dad's recovery!

Update posted by Bela Lucaci

About This Project

Hello my name is Bela and I'm from Romania,currently living in the USA.

What is this project about?

I am trying to raise money for my dear father and best friend Adalbert ,who last year had a cerebrovasculare accident,also commonly known as a stroke.It happened very suddenly and the whole family was devastated.My father lost his ability to walk,talk and has a hard time remembering just about anything.My mother ,Ecaterina is doing a terrific job taking care of him,such as feeding and bathing him,teaching him how to communicate the basics,writing his own name and showing him pictures of the entire family every day to refresh his memory.It truly brakes my heart knowing that I can't be there to nurse him.Because of my financial situation,my family and I were not able to go visit him back in Europe.But there is still hope.The medications that he needs is actually a shot called "CEREBROLYSIN" that is a lot more expensive in Europe then in the US.This is is injected into the neck to help blood cloths thin out.The doctors said it's too late for surgery but he still needs a couple of MRI's done and twice a week of physical therapy.

     He taught me how to ride a bike,he handcarved a lot of toys for me and my friends and most of all he taught me how to be a man.It's my turn now to give back .

Any small donation would mean a lot ,so me and my family could buy him the medication needed and hopefully go back to Romania to visit him.I promise to each one of the donators that I will send a postcard from Satu Mare,Romania.

   Christmas is about love,family,generosity and happiness and I hope that I will be with father and mother this Christmas.Thank you very much and have a Merry Christmas :)


Translation in Romanian :

Buna ma numesc Bela si sunt nascut in Romania ,in prezent locuiesc in Statele Unite ale Americii.

Despre ce este acest proiect?

   Incerc sa adun o suma de bani pentru tatal si prietenul meu cel mai bun Adalbert,care anul trecut a experimentat un accident cerebrovascular,paralizand pe partea dreapta a corpului.Tatal meu si-a pierdut incapacitatea de a umbla,de a vorbi si de a memora aproape orice.Ecaterina,mama mea,face un lucru extraordinar avand grija de tatal meu.Il invata sa comunice din nou,sa isi scrie propriul nume si in fiecare zi ii arata poze cu familie ca sa ii incerce sa ii reimprospateze memoria.Din cauza problema mea financiara nu am putut sa ma intorc in Romania sa imi vizitez parintii.Speranta inca mai exista.Tatal meu are nevoie de o injectie numita "CEREBROLYSIN" care se injecteaza in gat ,permitand ca cheagurile de sange sa se subtieze.Acest medicament este mult mai ieftin in Statele Unite decat in Romania.Doctorii ne-au anuntat ca este prea tarziu pentru chirurgie,dar tatal meu mai are nevoie de niste RMN-uri si de fizioterapie de doua ori pe saptamana.

     El m-a invatat cum sa pedalez o bicicleta,ne-a facut mie si la prietenii meu jucarii cu mana lui,si cel mai important m-a invatat cum sa devin un barbat adevarat si un exemplu pentru sotia si fiica mea.

     Orice suma pentru donatie ar fi apreciata ca sa pot sa ii cumpar tatalui mei medicamentele necesare si pentru a avea oportunitatea de a merge acasa si sa imi vad familia.Pentru toti donatorii va promit ca va voi trimite o vedere din Satu Mare,Romania.

   Craciunul este despre iubire,familie,generositate si fericire.Cuvintele nu pot exprima bucuria care eu si familia mea vam avea daca de Craciunul acesta l-am petrece cu familia noastra.

            Va multumesc din suflet si va doresc la toti un Craciut Fericit plin de bucurii si de zambete.:)

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