Hong Kong
Crowdfunding Campaigns

We’ve helped people from all over Hong Kong crowdfund the things that matter to them most. From personal fundraisers, to acts of kindness, emergency relief, and more. Create your campaign for free!

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Help Anne compete in Singapore!
Hello! My name is Mashiat and I am raising this fund for Anne Ruiz from Philippines. Anne Ruiz is Ana's. . . . .
6 Donors
HK$1,175 raised
58% funded
Helper fired for getting sick in Hong Kong: Help Rona continue to financially support her children
Rona was recently forced by her employer to sign what we believe is an illegal contract, saying that she quit,. . . . .
18 Donors
HK$11,800 raised
236% funded
Violin Performance to Raise Money for Music Instruments and Lessons to Underprivileged Children
Hi, my name is Deron. I am 12 years old, and I want to talk to you about a charity. . . . .
47 Donors
HK$41,055 raised
164% funded
Refugee Transportation Fundraiser
Our mission is to help increase outreach to refugees in Hong Kong, as well as to help them access various. . . . .
53 Donors
HK$11,860 raised
118% funded
Humanitarian Aid – Middle East
With the news and videos emerging from the Middle East over the past ~70 days, and given many friends have. . . . .
20 Donors
HK$18,729 raised
117% funded
[尋找協助] 家長車被誤燒
https://lihkg.com/thread/1738089/page/1 揾左不少黃店/公証人,但未有回應,暫時有金水做証明,儘量用雜廠同二手零件,所以價錢可以平啲。 價錢為$25,800,因為安全問題,所以報價單上有些資料想盡量保密,而沒有塗污的版本,亦Send左比金水作記錄。 以下是報價單:
130 Donors
HK$26,750 raised
105% funded
為了支持蘋果日報,有校友表示希望集廣大學生及校友之力,在蘋果日報刊登廣告廣告。聖保祿政治關注組現透過眾籌計劃集資,希望各位可以鼎力支持。 *是次眾籌與登報與沙爾德聖保祿女修院及旗下學校沒有任何關係,特此聲明。如對登報內容有任何建議,請填妥Google form表達意見,感謝傳送門: https://forms.gle/H1YDjQQixw5eWaK6A 註一:項目經由聖保祿政治關注組代辦, 籌得的款項將全數支付蘋果日報頭版廣告及眾籌平台手續費蘋果日報頭版廣告費用:$60,000 (內頁全版) $180,000 (頭版全版)眾籌平台手續費:約 $10,000 - 20,000(餘額將捐予612人道支援基金) 註二: 若在1/10/2020後籌款金額未能達六萬元港幣,所有款項將捐予612人道支援基金。
548 Donors
HK$205,813 raised
102% funded
理大一役,由29/11早上 popo宣佈解封後正式結束。12日嘅封鎖,手足們身心都俱疲。但手足內,其實唔止學生需要理,仲有一班成年人的手足,因被困理大,或被捕後遭公司開除。當中的成年人有的是家中經濟支柱,有的是有小朋友、老人家需要照顧,更加需要交租交水電。但礙於面子或骨氣,佢哋唔會直接搵人援助,甚至星火都未必會批。雖然,成年人有手有腳,又有黃金經濟圈老闆幫手,「東家唔打打西家」但對於一班被捕後或被困後的精神狀態下,都非常不適宜見工或返工,會導致短期生活有問題出現。本人身邊或友隊已經多人出現依項問題,但成年人世界就乜都忍住唔出聲。所以我想發起「一次性」的籌款活動,目的係幫依一班成年人渡過難關。因為一眾當時人都未知有依個籌款,所以原諒我拎唔到口供紙做証明,一切建基於「信」字,就好似前線手足,互不認識,但因為信對方,所以義無反顧向前衝,如果連信任都做唔到,或擔心係人血饅頭,skip個post就完了。所得款項將平衡分配俾已獲知有需要人士如有任何人有需要,請email到: [email protected]經過一輪fact check後,亦可獲得是次款項
196 Donors
HK$102,602 raised
102% funded
Help raise funds to complete Adrian’s GBM/brain cancer treatment
Dear Friends, As some of you know, in March last year, Adrian was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme. The journey over. . . . .
399 Donors
HK$664,380 raised
102% funded

Success Stories

Democratic Journalism and Brian Problem in Hong Kong

Bryan set up a campaign to launch a platform for freelance journalists, with the goal of delivering more interaction between journalists and readers.

90 donors raised HK$86,321

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Urgent Cancer Tumor Operation for Blind Shar Pei Dog

After an adorable blind shar-pei dog was diagnosed with cancer, he desperately needed his tumour removed. Without the help of GoGetFunding, his owner wouldn’t have been able to afford his life saving surgery.

11 donors raised HK$10,000

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Help Teacher Ria Fight Cancer

Ria, a single mother and wonderful teacher, was diagnosed with colon cancer. Without insurance, her family couldn’t pay for her treatment. Their successful campaign helped Ria to get the treatment she needed.

263 donors raised HK$210,484

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Let’s Rollo-up Our Sleeves and Help Ed

After Ed was diagnosed with cancer, he and his loved ones were struggling to keep up with the cost of treatment. Their successful campaign allowed Ed to get the life-saving surgery he needed.

269 donors raised HK$281,000

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In Memory of Shams

Friends and colleagues set up a campaign in memory of their friend Shams Zakari to help his family financially in their time of need.

32 donors have raised HK$21,103so far

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Project β

GoGetFunding helped one individual to write and publish their second book, detailing people’s personal stories with readers and the author collaborating together.

288 donors raised HK$77,026

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Support to Francois, Cinthia and their children

A fire in Aberdeen’s harbour left a family without their boat which was a lifeline. Friends set up a campaign to help the family through this tough time.

52 donors raised HK$64,900

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Public Statement by a Group of Alumni of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

A group of alumni of Shaw College fundraised to help them fight for the rights of the people of Hong Kong who were unjustly treated by the government and law enforcement.

634 donors raised HK$293,323

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“Support Social Workers, Protect Justice” Crowdfunding

Battlefield Social Workers set up a campaign to raise funds for litigation expenses, allowing them to fight for justice and defend social workers who were unjustly treated by law enforcement.

4308 donors raised HK$3,360,100

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Assisting the Reconstruction of Japan After the Typhoon “Hibeisi”

After the largest typhoon in Japanese history, Jason from Hong Kong decided to step up to help his neighbours. All funds he raised were donated to the Japanese Red Cross to help those in need.

3,966 donors raised HK$1,064,524

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