Jan 11, 2022 at 10:57 am

What a difference a day makes!

Update posted by Steven Douglas Herder

Hello everyone,

It has been 24 hours since I began the "Joel and the Kidney Bean" campaign. Your collective generosity has blown the minds of a growing number of people. It is a testament to the power of love, and just another shining example of "the power of the people" when we get together and work towards a common goal.

There have been a number of you who have tried to donate but gotten error messages. If you can use PayPal, I promise it will go through easily. If you want to use a credit card, there is a new level of security required called "3D Secure". You can quite easily enable it on the website of your credit card issuer. If all else fails, you can contact me through Facebook and I can make other arrangements to receive your gift.

When I started this campaign, I thought to myself, if just a hundred people responded, Joel would be thrilled. JOEL IS ALREADY THRILLED AT 55 PEOPLE. However, I would still love to see us get to 100 people. While this is a huge amount of love, I imagine Joel will be struggling to make ends meet until the spring of 2023, and whatever we can offer him will be used wisely.

To tell the truth, I was very nervous when I clicked the "Start Campaign" button at 19:00 last night. What if, in fact, I was the only one who actually wanted to send a financial gift to Joel? I cannot express my appreciation for your generosity. With all of the pain and suffering of the past two years, this is a soul-nourishing happy story that we can all be very proud of.

I think we will hear a message from Joel within the next few hours (he didn't get enough sleep last night, I hear).

Love to you all,


P.S. Share if you can: https://assets.gogetfunding.com/kidney4joel/

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