Dec 26, 2021 at 06:12 am

​The fight for protection continuous

Update posted by Marriette Kemp

I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe that certain things happen and certain people cross your path for a reason, even though the reason is unknown to you

I struggled to write Blompot’s story at first, it is my first attempt on fundraising, I didn’t knot what to write what to leave out so I decided to grab a bottle of red wine and I wrote my story first, since I’m a private person, sharing that type of information is not easy for me. The hangover the next morning was the only regret I had, because after that, blompot’s story just flowed out

There are people that is wondering why I am so invested and fighting for this 4-year-old girl, whom I crossed my path I April. The answer is simple yet a little complicated

Blompot bulldozed her way into my heart through walls I had up for a very long time with a blink of an eye. I happened so fast that I didn’t realize it until after she attached herself to me. I tried putting some distance between us, but she couldn’t care and just held on tighter. I tried to adapt some people’s views/opinions, some and I quote “don’t want to know / not my problem / couldn’t care / walking away”. That did not work either. Then I tried some of the authorities approaches by referring to her case as “the matter”, disassociating myself. Not calling her by her nickname, name or anything that made her special. Clearly that did not work either, because after 8 months in still here trying to find ways to fight for her protection., no matter how many doors was closed in my face

The more complicated reason – Blompot achieved with a blink of the eye that many other people have tried, to get past the walls I put up, keeping everyone at a distance. But that is my story and this story is all about her. Somewhere through all this our stories became tangled and that is why I’m fighting for her protection and her best interest

Every child, including Blompot has the right and deserves a normal happy childhood. Her situation is far from that, therefor she needs someone that can ensure that she gets the protection, a place of safety, a person/s that can act in her best interest. It is her right and she deserves the opportunity to what she is entitled to as a child. A safe and normal happy childhood.

Over time, when all doors were shut in my face and I couldn’t manage to get her to safety, I gave up hope. I thought I failed this little girl and wanted to walk away, but then I came to realize, the only way I will fail her is when I give up and walk away. She is only 4 now and I am in for the long haul, I want to see her reach 18 years, even if it is from a distance

So, here I am, making a noise for this little girl who does not have a voice of her own yet.

TBC – more about Blompot

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