Dec 16, 2021 at 12:27 pm

Update 9

Update posted by Silvo Scruffy

Hello everyone,

Scruffy is not a fan of his new medicine. Its a syrup based medication which frankly smells like cough syrup. We wouldn't want that either.

This was the first time we saw him so vehemently against anything. He spat it out with such vigor that the medication foamed around his mouth. He shook his head side to side, droplets of the medication splattering across the floor and onto our shirts.

Unfortunately, he has to take it until the next vet appointment where we hope to ask for a pill version instead.

I can't imagine how our poor boy felt. Luckily, his medication induces drowsiness, so he relaxed into a deep sleep as we continued to comfort and pet him.

We feel incredibly grateful that scruffy is not one to hold grudges. He remains sweet and receptive to our pets. We do feel bad having to feed him medication, but we'll do it if it means allowing him to relax and not silently suffer.

The next day, he was as active as ever, jumping on tables and also jumping between the window grate and window. It was a sunny morning and he was basking the warmth in. Our windows are always closed and locked so it is safe.

Short update because scruffy was just chilling and enjoying the day.

Thank you to everyone's kind support.

A big thank you to our offline donors as well:

Renee - $50

Elle - $30

Jiaming - $5

QH - $50

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